Breakdown of the American political ethos

  • You don’t talk about politics over dinner
  • You don’t judge a person based on his political views.

It seems like this has broken down. People don’t associate with others with significantly different political views.

If something is offensive, it’s “violent.”

You can see some of it on Forumosa, as a lot of people with progressive views don’t stick around.

Someone got really defensive when I said Biden was senile. We now know he’s not merely senile–he’s demented and not far from brain-dead. He doesn’t know where he is 75 percent of the time.

You posted this here already another topic about Biden and others

He says, before delivering exactly the kind of invective he’s complaining about.
We have a follower of the Sarah Palin Principle: “I can sling any mud about anybody, and if somebody critcizes me, it’s destroying my freedom of speech.”
I’ll see you one- “Trump is a vicious crooked thug and we can see daily his brain is turning to mush.”
According to you, you saying what you did is fine, but anybody saying the exact same thing about somebody else is destroying civility.

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