
I thought it was “Moi Oirland”?

I tell you what, Hollywood gets the Irish down pat. The Scottish actor who played mad Stephen is spot on.

The English are either gay or psychopaths, so Mel really nailed it with historical accuracy.

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Good movie though. Entertainment .

Funnily enough it’s a very popular film with the far right.

Finally , a politician who tells a few home truths. Must be bad fascist from the 2nd largest party in Germany ? Anyone criticizing the EU must be punished.
Better to bury your head in the sand and hope the problems of Italy, Brexit, Greece, Hungary and on and on , just vanish
The EU had such great potential , but it’s been wasted with greed, bureaucracy and a drive to create a centralized socialist states of europe.

yea a bad one since like 1922?




It is, my Ireland, mine :wink:

I have about as much time for King as I do for Greenspan. However, I agree with him here. The UK will eventually leave the EU. The sooner it happens the better in economic terms. Democratic terms went out the window years ago.

Well, I also think along those lines . I thought it interesting that it was a Guardian article with King, neither of whom I would have expected to portray those opinions.

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Yea, but what is to replace it? What is that saying about not throwing out the dirty water.

Yea, lets get rid of the EU .and then… no plan…

The speaker in your video there is like a slimmer younger female german better looking Farange…

Aaannnnnd, the best possible deal that the UK can have with the EU is what, the deal that they have right now! Given Cameron the concessions he asked for, now that’s a joke

The Grauniad is massively biased. It’s pretty much a mirror image of the Daily Mail.

Having said that, it does allow dissenting voices occasionally. I’m also surprised that King is a no dealer. That suggests to me that he has looked logically at the economic fall-out of a no deal as opposed to dragging out the uncertainty we currently have. Best to just leave now and sort things out afterwards. I agree.

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I think the point is that a European Economic Community is a good idea, but not trying to force their social /federal policies on 27 very different countries, some of which are not socialist.
My suggestion would have been less Members , less centralization of power, Euro currency only for the handful of Nations that it benefits, many ways to make it better . They could have chosen less control , but they didn’t.
Just my opinion.

So why leave though? No system is perfect. It can be improved. You cant improve it when you are on the outside.

I agree by the way, but again, see previous point

May could have pushed for Brexit with a customs union or single market memebership.
Would have saved years of hassle and economic damage.
The UK can exit with no deal, nothing stopping it.
Go ahead if they want it . They don’t want it because thy will lose all current privileges. Those privileges are substantial. Also UK already has a special deal with loads of opt outs. You don’t get any more special deals when you announce loudly you are leaving a club.

Its classic bad decision making

Its going to be a case study

Very poor negotiation skills and yes too much power seems to have been in May’s hands.
It all stems from the red lines to be honest. That’s typical of May if you look into her history as justice /immigration minister. Shea a grafter but not very smart and prone to rash decisions. She also has a streaknof ruthlessness and dishonesty (threw out loads of foreign students from the UK to make the numbers for her self assigned immigration target…May was also responsible for making it very difficult to bring in foreign spouses of UK citizens into UK)


Not Mays fault. She didnt create the problem she is just trying to make the best out of it.

Its Boris, Moog, Farange, Corbyn, Cameron

Corbyn for not being able to see the bigger picture.
All the rest for being… “well if you have nothing nice to say best to say nothing at all”

True, lots of players. She’s the one in charge though.

She is riding the rodeo, but she is not in charge.

People like to attack her, but I respect Teresa May, she is actually trying to do what she thinks is best. I don’t see that in any other of the major individual players, not the ones that I listed.

I’d usually support labor, but Corbyn…

At the end of the day I believe that this is a class struggle, and that the leavers successfully miss diverted the concerns of the working people. Like the joke Irexit, except it actually worked :tired_face:

They took the bait

et là vous avez le point principal , Monsieur. Without consensus from any of the opposition , it was an uphill struggle. Séparateur socialiste @geajvop :rofl:

The blame game will be for future historians. Very few are going to come out of it looking good.