
I think it’s going to be the no deal Brexit the electorate voted for. Probably mid May.

And then people will have to sort things out.

The electorate didn’t vote for No Deal Brexit.

And if the UK does go down the road of No Deal Brexit it’s going to be bad for a lot of folks. I assume folks like to have jobs and money in their pocket. Because there’s not much worse than having no job and no money. Been there, done that.

Also it will change the dynamic in Northern Ireland very badly.

nope …not accurate. We voted to Leave the EU …Deal or No Deal …Parliament voted to Leave by March 29 th …simple enough. Which part are you struggling with?


Leaving the EU doesn’t mean people expected to crash out. Also almost half didn’t want to leave the EU including Scotland and Northern Ireland

They are taking about direct rule in Northern Ireland from London and putting a hard border in island of Ireland , that’s going to kick off a shitstorm.

now you are getting it :grinning:

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Half of the disunited kingdom.
Folks losing their jobs in places like Sunderland…Place will be like a wasteland.
Welsh workers for Airbus…List goes on. They will not get another job in those places.

Are you guys reading Alex, the comic strip about British investment bankers? They’ve been roasting Brexit for the last couple of weeks:

I don’t understand the cartoon strip.
We know the implications of hard brexit. Tarrifs and delays for imports and exports, lost jobs and plant closures in major industries such as aeronautics and vehicles manufacturing which depend on export trade.

I suppose the point is that we still have no idea which of the several logically possible Brexit outcomes will happen.

Of course we know what is the outcome in terms of hard brexit.
Plants will close, layoffs, budget crisis, sterling drop, major drop in investment and spending.

But what kind of brexit, ok, I get it, still unpredictable.

Up to 6 months ago, until the present debacle , the UK GDP Growth was 0.4% Eurozone was 0.3%. Hmmm …the reality is that even with the mess , the revised figures are about level now. So if the UK is in such a mess …it seems to be identical to the EU ? UK orangebadman syndrome ?

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Brexit hasn’t happened yet and some companies already announced plant closures.
Stagnation will be a bigger problem for a lot of businesses. They will look and see where to invest. UK not being in the EU is a MAJOR disincentive if there are miultiple options for investment in Europe.

Italy will be a bigger issue

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We are talking about Brexit. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What’s the plan after No Deal brexit?

Seriously ?

Even the motorways are going to be jammed to the ports. Do British people want to queue to enter EU and apply for visas ? What will they do for healthcare in EU? Insurance for drivers (this one is already a hot topic in Ireland , guess nobody here knew about the problem)?
How will they deal with pensions ? How about the pound dropping further ? What about European police cooperation ? Roaming fees?
What about working rights for those about to move to Europe or just got jobs ? Education and Erasmus ? Companies due EU grant money or bidding for EU contracts ? Medical device and drug importation ? Importing and exporting food smoothly ? How to hire enough workers for British agriculture ? Workers for NHS?

Yes , I know that , but the EU that the losers shout about , as our saviour, is not riding on the crest of a wave. You can paint it anyway you wish , but the politicians have ignored the result of the vote. If Ireland beat England at Rugby …I want a re-match ( only if the score was close) . The stupidity of another referendum is beyond belief. That was the moment to decide, as stated clearly .
Oh …I have changed my mind arguments are ridiculous…unless your country is in the sh*t financially , and the EU offer superlarge “Loans” to bail you out , and you know you will go under if you don’t change your vote. Then it may make sense .
UK is perfectly capable of making it’s own Trade agreements …the EU will only deal when they have to . Even you know that we let them walk all over us because we were so useless at negotiating. Hence …no deal on the table that makes sense to enough people .

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I’m sure the UK can work out some kind of Brexit. My point is, be careful for wishing for a HARD Brexit because it’s going to be …Well…HARD…Meaning it has the clear potential to cause a lot of serious problems not only minor inconveniences for people.

I absolutely agree with you

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That’s someone who has my full support!

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Haha …I knew that would bring you out into the open :rofl:


All of this should have been discussed pre-referendum. Perhaps people considered all these issues and still made the decision to leave. Who knows?

The bottom line is this was the question the electorate were asked:

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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