
Everything is because of Brexit innit.
Politicians working against it, Pseudo-pandemic, racket proxy wars, have had no effect.
Did I forget something? Yes, the ‘Sustainable Development’ caper.


Welcome to post positive news after Brexit.


Are the British people clamoring to re-join the EU? Has the British economy collapsed? Or has the impossible happened?

The chief economist is recommending people to accept being poorer, it’s better for ‘everyone’.

I feel like British people compare themselves to the wrong countries. The closest thing to Britain in the world is France, not Switzerland or some other small, super rich countries, and compared to France the UK is doing fine.

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British people have bad teeth

Not if you are a pensioner in France.

You forgot Ireland.
We are now in the super rich league.
Suck it up Gain, Cake and all detractors :laughing:

Who said being in the EU was bad for bizness was a fecking moron! 0h yeah it was the Tories who are telling you to accept being poor, its good for you.

This youtube sez so. Must be true.

That’s not a good thing at all.

Yes, to be poor is glorious!

Britain fucked itself with Brexit, now it doesn’t know what to do because it was led by a bunch of public school Eton type shysters and wafflers who don’t have to face the consequences of their actions.

The French pension system is completely unsustainable but French people refuse to acknowledge it, which is why there are massive protests and strikes all the time.

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Sustainable or not its much better to be a pensioner in France than the UK or practically anywhere else. Retirement at 62 :joy:.

Yes, all that ‘wealth’ is trickling down to those in the villages and towns taking in 3rd world migrants.
In Dublin, they are building scores of new apartments for people who cannot find a place to live.
Good luck to anyone there with a 2nd home, it will probably be taken away eventually.
I seem to recall some corporate WEF politician talking about bringing in laws to do it there.

If there was no Brexit, the UK would be a utopia now and all those people in places that had fuck all while in the EU (traditional labour voting areas that voted to leave) would be riding round in Bentleys and smoking cigars because of the glorious corporate fascist EU.

Wages are higher in Ireland than the UK now. Pensions and social welfare also far more generous. The gap will probably continue to widen over the next few years as British economic leaders say British people should get used to being poor.

Don’t worry, the shaft will come to the whole of the EU. They are papering over the cracks.
But you can blame Brexit and not those that have worked against it (almost every politician and civil servant in the UK, and the unelected technocrats in the EU) from the day after the vote.
And the Bank of England is a private corporation.
Cannot be trusted.

Nobody can be trusted isn’t that right Cake.

Possibly. We don’t know. Unlikely

Not utopia; just better off.

That’s the latest sad excuse for failure and lies.
Brexit would work except people are holding it back.

Absolutely pathetic stuff.

Brexit helped to make you poorer.
The Bank of England says just accept it. Accept your new reality.
Accept it Cake. Take a deep breath 1, 2, 3…and breathe. I accept it. I am poorer today. It’s for the good of the country… :smile:

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