Bring in the Republic of England

This is hilarious and a load of tripe but couldn’t resist posting it. I just couldn’t post it pretending to be serious though. True Daily Mail trolling in action

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She did the EU hat thing to and called out papers that misrepresented her as being pro-brexit

Eu hat

Also whenever she drinks tea the leaves fall in pro remain patterns :smiley:


It’ll be interesting to see what historians make of Brexit in the future.


Probably will be forgotten along with what started world war one and the name of that angry guy with the moustache


Probably the spark that collapsed the EU but we’ll see.

Why would there be a massacre of non Catholics in Ireland, it’s preposterous .:sunglasses:

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It’s looks she’s pro pineapples in that one.

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I hope not and sincerely don’t think it will . Proof will be in the pudding. Enemies of universal human rights such as Russia and China hope to fragment the EU further and weaken European nation states. Trump also wants that but he’s only concerned about his narrow field of view which doesn’t often extend beyond the 18th hole of his golf course. Russia and China are playing the long game.


I sure hope it’s a taro cake :yum:

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Taro cake isn’t bad at all it’s taken me most of 20 years to get to that statement though.:grin:


Taro is great in Taiwan I just couldn’t believe it was Taro when I first ate it here.

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That is what I was taught since childhood. No troops then massacres by both sides but ultimately protestants will soon be out numbered in the North and will have to defend themselves unless troops are moved in from the South. I have more faith in the southern Irish soldiers than I do than anyone else.after eventual unification. If the British totally pull out it will leave a massive power vacuum. The police force in NI is still seen as an occupation force it will be disbanded and all hell will break lose !

Being on UK mainland, reunification is a word that is never used when referring to the Emerald Isle in the news, and honestly I never thought of it that way.

Is ‘reunification’ a big topic that’s discussed over there? I guess depends on your perspective. Reunification on one side, annexation on another. As with anywhere.

It’s the island of Ireland , it’s not like Northern Ireland somehow existed separately before it was gerrymandered into existence as a sectarian statelet. I’ve no problem with it being part of a federal Ireland or united Ireland, but it should be reconnected to the rest of Ireland, politically and economically. If some peole want to maintain British identity thats all well and good and accommodated but Ireland comes first. Majority rules . Isn’t this off topic. The unification of Ireland is a hotter topic recently but it’s FAR down the list of voters and politicians concerns. The Taoiseach says now is not the right time to push it. He’s right of course.
You need to read about the good Friday agreement to understand the current framework.

There was a wedding? Does this involve something or someone called Mergle that I have to work frikkin overtime to avoid in the news?

eta: Maybe it’s Fergie. I think there used to be a whole big thing called Fergie, anyway. Did Fergie get married?

Majority rules? 65% of people in NI want to remain part of the UK. If you are talking about the majority of all Irish then that’s similar to the independent Scotland situation. Britain deciding Scotland’s future - or EIRE deciding NI’s future. Neither is democratic.


Majority of people not in the state wants to decide the states…errr… state.

Isn’t that whole idea behind basically every independence movement?

Just because its an island doesn’t mean it has to be all politically connected.

This conversation makes me a little nervous. NI and ROI relations is the only thing I’m really bothered about with Brexit. I don’t really care what happens or who owns who as long as its peaceful and democratic.


It’s all gonna go to shit, isn’t it?

I think it started with Lady Di.

There is a certain sort of person who go in for that. The rest of us don’t give a damn, but if you threaten to chop my head off I’ll pretend I care.

Why is this in the England thread ? :sunglasses:

Only because UK govt hived off that portion on purpose under threat of further violence and war.
.Northern Ireland is a failed state and it damaged the peace and prosperity of all of Ireland. You must think Irish people are stupid , that we would give up our rights and access to our own country ?

Britiah empire always played these games and messed up so many countries.
The vast majority of Irish people want a united or federal Ireland. Even in gerrymandered NI nationalists will soon be the majority.

I’m actually ok with the good Friday agreement, it’s a fair compromise given the situation as it stands . UK govt and the DUP tried to damage it though.

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Are you denigrading the EU flag Mr Jones? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: