Bringing a foreign wife here

HI All,
could anybody please advise me on the procedure concerning bringing my wife here from the Philippines.
I will have an ARC and I am British.

She needs to get a Joining Family Residents Visa. She won’t have work rights.

Try this thread for details: … frv#282581

Thanks , but my wife is a philippino.
Other threads do not cover this.
She is applying in Manila. I will post if she has any problems.
Any advice would be welcome.

If you have ARC already, you and your wife apply Resident visa in Philippine and come to Taiwan.

Sorry, if you have ARC already it should be : Your wife can apply Resident Visa or Visitor visa and comes to Taiwan.

Be sure have marriage certificate and a health certificate for your wife.

Thank You. How long does the application take for the resident visa in Manila ?

Ask the TECO office in Manila, they are the ones who do the processing…

Teco-Manila- They will not answer any enquiries.
That is why I am asking for advice here.

[quote=“WolvesMon”]Teco-Manila- They will not answer any enquiries.
That is why I am asking for advice here.[/quote]

Are you asking in person? I can’t believe they will not answer questions. If they don’t answer your questions, then you’re essentially SOL. They’ve got to be able and willing to tell you their paperwork requirements so you can complete the process ???

The rob dogs need proof of at least 100,000NT in the bank to allow a JFRV.

“rob dogs”? Are you sure you’re British?

Is this what they’re telling her in Manila or what they’re telling you here? Demand to see that regulation in print and demand a written rejection of your application for you to use in your appeal against your application refusal.

Edit: Oh, wait, you’re BOTH foreign, so maybe that is indeed the rule.

My husband and I are both foreigners (from Eastern Europe, so not rich by default :slight_smile: ) and they never asked anything about our financial situation. :idunno:

Ouch, from February to June and you’re still on the JFRV process? That’s so not right. And now the $100,000NT… blatant racism, pure and simple. We know there are “special rules” for the SE Asian wives. No laws that say that but we know that’s how it is.

TECO do not have to give reasons to refuse a visa written or otherwise. We were told about the 100,000 requirement by the clerk.
To rub salt in the wound they charge 3,500 to refuse you.
They will not answer any enquiries and the website is vague. The problem is it is up to the discretion of the officer.
We are continuing to try but its expensive and I would seriously put off anyone from trying to bring a wife to this country.

Not that its any help to you and the wife, I know, but FUCK! my blood is boiling. Dirty rotten fucking bastards. Scum-sucking blobs of diarrhea mucous.
You have my sympathy. Are there really NO avenues open to you?

Have you been in contact with Richard Hartzell? He’s had extensive dealings with the government regarding SEAsians here.

Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, as posted above, the Taiwanese government hates SE Asians and anyone born in China and I’ll bet there is very little you can do.

Can’t she get a tourist visa? Is it possible she could come here on a series of tourist visas?

There are work arounds to almost any situation.

[quote=“WolvesMon”]TECO do not have to give reasons to refuse a visa written or otherwise. We were told about the 100,000 requirement by the clerk.
To rub salt in the wound they charge 3,500 to refuse you.
They will not answer any enquiries and the website is vague. The problem is it is up to the discretion of the officer.
We are continuing to try but its expensive and I would seriously put off anyone from trying to bring a wife to this country.[/quote]
Yep, TECO Manila always gave me a hard time, too

Did you take any names? PM them to me. Maybe I can ask MECO here in Taipei for advice (MECO is the Manila Economic and Cultural Office - the de facto Philippine embassy in Taiwan)

Also, does anyone have any experience applying as a Filipino in a TECO other than Manila? For example, your wife can enter HK and ASEAN countries visa free.

[quote=“Goose Egg”]
Also, does anyone have any experience applying as a Filipino in a TECO other than Manila? For example, your wife can enter HK and ASEAN countries visa free.[/quote]

I have heard nothing but bad stories about HK. Will the BTCO help?