British man accused of spying for China is found dead in park


He was apparently a suicide risk as after he was caught he said his life is over. The cops wanted to remand him in custody but the courts bailed him. Maybe the commies got to him first?

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I was going to post this. Very interesting.

Very sad.

I dont feel sad for spies.


One man’s spy is another man’s James Bond.

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Spies for the CCP won’t get much sympathy from me when they betray their country


Wonder what type of info he was supplying. Addresses in the UK of the people from Hongkong maybe.

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Suicide is usually the most predictable and convenient excuse given for such things.

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Suicide most likely. Getting taken out by a CCP operative second.

But, no, the corrupt evil West killed him! I hate myself and everything I stand for!

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It’s also easy to slip and fall.

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There’s been a clear failure in duty of care.

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Nothing to see here…better luck next time!