British Met Service buries new climate-change analysis showing no warming trend … edictions/

[quote]Britain’s Met Office has come under fire for two pieces of crystal-ball gazing involving global temperature and British rainfall. On Christmas Eve, the Met’s temperature prediction for the UK was quietly revised downwards, and only merited a press release this week after physics blog Tallbloke’s Talkshop noticed the change.

According to the Met’s Richard Betts, an IPCC lead author and head of the Met’s Climate Impacts team, the new projection the result of new climate models, with different inputs.

The new temperature prediction is 20 per cent lower than the previous estimate, with a mean deviation of 0.43°C above the 1971 to 2000 average over the next five years. If it holds true, then global temperatures will have experienced a 20-year standstill, with no statistically significant warming. The Met didn’t predict, as the BBC erroneously reported, a 0.43C increase in global temperature over the next five years.

Betts explained that the new cutting-edge models incorporated, “a whole new setup for simulating the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere”, and are initialised using more recent atmospheric data. The models also make more detailed shorter-term projections, so it should be easier to evaluate how they are performing, Betts added.

However, MP Graham Stringer said the Met Office should have been more upfront.

“By putting out the information on Christmas Eve they were just burying bad news – that they have got their climate change forecast wrong,” said Stringer.

A twenty year period without statistically significant warming. . . .[/quote]
So, no warming, and “ohbytheway that drought we were predicting isn’t going to happen after all either.” :roflmao:

Fred Smith’s erection has just broken his zipper, when he returns from the seamstress he will add his two cents. :popcorn:

Excellent! I’m off out to burn some tyres (tires).

Why is it no surprise that a climate warming denialism seems to go hand in hand with pro-gun nuttery? It’s like once you’ve entered the fact free vortex of one issue it sucks all the facts away from every other issue. Sad really. No doubt the OP will deny this of course, but well what can you expect. The vortex is ever hungry for gobbling up the truth.

Not sure how that comment is relevant here. Is someone proposing pro-gun positions on this thread?

Sorta… kinda like someone’s interest in human rights abuses?

Really sad!

Okay… truth… is his article incorrect? Are there factual errors? Gobble on that truth all you want.

The simple fact is that, for the most part (note the clarification because it is not 100% or ALL), the IPCC dire forecasts have been revised and revised and revised with every new report DOWNWARDS…

And now that the temperature fiddling is being monitored… we are seeing more moderate results…

AND as climate models improve… why they become more accurate and this … again… strangely shows continued downward forecasts in climate change alarmist languagae…

But, I have concluded with this before and I will do so again, BILLIONS ($80 billion in the US alone) have been spent fighting climate change… What results do you have to show for all of this money? What have any of these conferences or concerned NGOs or policy prescriptions achieved other than billions for Al Gore? and his wannabe rich ilk? Hell, maybe I should set up my own climate change NGO and get my share of the stupid pie that all of you are so willing to eat. Nuther bite? Yummmm!

This site/report compares IPCC 1995 predictions with actuality in 2011.

Rainfall predictions: Failed
Snowfall predictions: Failed
Desert projections: Failed
Temperature increases: Failed
Sealevel increases: Failed

Specifically on sealevel increases, this is how the IPCC fares…

[quote]IPCC Climate Change: The Bogus Claims of Catastrophic Sea Level Rise, Pacific Ocean Edition
Bogus claims of catastrophic disasters dominate the IPCC climate change reports - extreme exaggerations of sea level rise affecting Pacific islands is common but without any scientific merit

Read here. The United Nation’s IPCC has been extremely open about their perversion of climate science and how the political agenda rules the roost (the UN’s Rio conference being the next). A key means to manipulate the world’s policymakers and the public is to wildly exaggerate potential catastrophic disasters inferring a high likelihood. A favorite IPCC “disaster” is the rising seas caused by human CO2 emissions. A rise so high that will consume low-lying tropical islands and their cultures. But does that “looming” disaster have real merit?

Nope. Coastal tide gauges from around the world, documented in study after study, show that the current sea level rise is very modest and might reach a measly 3 to 7 inches by 2100.

But what about the vulnerable natives of Pacific island atolls? A recent peer reviewed article describes the situation of Tarawa of the Gilbert Islands.

“These common images of flooded homes and waves crashing across the causeways—collected during an anomalous event on islets susceptible to flooding due in part to local modifications to the environment—can provide the false impression that Tarawa is subject to constant flooding because of sea level rise…Many individual observations of erosion, flooding, or groundwater salinization, recorded in community consultations for internationally funded climate change adaptation programs, are thus attributed to climate change without scientific analysis…These events are presented as examples of climate change impacts in promotional materials and at international events…The failure to consider the contribution of natural variability and direct human modifications can lead to misattribution of flooding events or shoreline changes to sea level rise…Instead of incorrectly attributing individual flood events or shoreline changes to global sea level rise, scientists and climate communicators can use such occurrences to educate the public about the various natural and human processes that affect sea level, the shoreline, and the shape of islands.”

Conclusion: The IPCC climate change reports include wild exaggerations about potential climate disasters. There is no empirical evidence supporting these looming disasters from human CO2 emissions. The United Nations promulgates these non-scientific claims as fact at UN-sponsored conferences in order to promote their wealth redistribution political agenda. A classic example of this misrepresentation is the fraud that Pacific islands will be swamped by an extraordinary sea level rise, exclusively from human CO2 emissions.
Sea-level charts and modern-temperature charts.[/quote]


[quote]Global Sea Level Rise: Melting Glaciers Have Tiny Impact On Sea Levels - Maybe 3.7 Inches By 2100
Alarmists have long predicted that Greenland’s melting glaciers were causing an “accelerating” global sea level rise - new study confirms global warming alarmists wrong
(image source)

Read here. The predicted “accelerating” sea level rise has been a fearmongering staple of the IPCC’s global warming alarmists and the mainstream press for decades. For pure hysteria sake, nothing beats the image of flooding populous coastal areas with the intent to frighten the public. Unfortunately for the alarmists, the empirical evidence does not support their grossly speculative predictions from discredited climate models. Firstly, the “accelerating” global sea level rise has not taken place as multiple research studies have documented. Secondly, the alarmist creed that the melting of Greenland’s glaciers would cause devastating ocean rises has been completely debunked by a new peer reviewed study on some 200+ glaciers on the world’s largest island.

“…titled “21st Century Evolution of Greenland Outlet Glacier Velocities” [Moon et al.] examined the flow characteristics from nearly 200 glaciers across Greenland for the period 2000-2010 as analyzed using synthetic aperture radar data collected from various satellites…And what they found…was that the patterns of flow rate changes across Greenland were complex, both in space and time. Glaciers that were accelerating during a few years were found to be decelerating in others. Some accelerating glaciers were found in close proximity to other glaciers that were decelerating…“Finally, our observations have implications for recent work on sea level rise…Our wide sampling of actual 2000 to 2010 changes shows that glacier acceleration across the ice sheet remains far below these estimates, suggesting that sea level rise associated with Greenland glacier dynamics remains well below the low-end scenario (9.3 cm [3.7 inches] by 2100) at present…Our result is consistent with findings from recent numerical flow models.”” [Twila Moon, Ian Joughin, Ben Smith, Ian Howat 2012: Science]

Conclusion: Accelerating global sea level rise from melting glaciers is not happening as predicted. The retreat of Greenland’s glaciers is not a major contributor to sea level increases and there exists no empirical evidence that this will change by year 2100.

May 13, 2012 at 05:21 AM | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Tide Gauge Station Data Analysis: NZ Scientists Confirm Sea Level Rise Is Modest - 7 Inches By 2100
An expert tide gauge station analysis out of New Zeland confirms the obvious - current global sea level rise is barely noticable, which is complete contradiction of IPCC predictions over past 2 decades
(image source)

Read here. New empirical evidence from New Zealand scientists document the lack of “accelerating” global sea level levels. The island nation in the southern Pacific has not been swamped by the rising seas and the confirmed trend indicates only a 7 inch rise by 2100. The New Zealand documented trend is similar to those established by other research done by sea level experts. “With respect to the South Pacific Ocean, the authors indicate that there are few reliable tide gauge records with data predating 1950…In an attempt to improve this data-sparse situation, Hannah and Bell say that “an investigation was undertaken to determine whether historical data from other tide gauge sites could provide additional spatial coverage of relative sea level trends around New Zealand.”…the two New Zealand scientists report that “the average relative sea level rise calculated from the six newly derived trends was 1.7 ± 0.1 mm/year,” a result that they say “is completely consistent with the far more rigorous and conventional analyses previously undertaken for the four main ports using long-term tide gauge records.” And they write that “in a global context, this average trend in relative sea level rise is also consistent with the results of Church and White (2011), who find a global average linear trend in secular sea level rise of 1.7 ± 0.2 mm/year from 1900-2009.”” [Jonh Hannah, Robert Bell 2012: Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans]

Conclusion: Tide gauge station analysis confirms global sea level rise is modest and not dangerously accelerating as long predicted by the IPCC’s climate models and its “experts.”
Previous failed-predictions, sea-level and peer-reviewed postings.[/quote]

A summer report by Hannah and Bell states that sea levels are rising and that a .5-1m rise over the next century is a reasonable estimate and that rises over 1m can’t be ruled out. Comforting.

Oh and how is your gay rights advocacy going there, fred? Started any threads recently? Ever?

[quote=“fred smith”]

This site/report compares IPCC 1995 predictions with actuality in 2011.

Rainfall predictions: Failed
Snowfall predictions: Failed
Desert projections: Failed
Temperature increases: Failed
Sealevel increases: Failed[/quote]

Have you been sharing your time machine with them? How are things in the year 2100? :roflmao:

Whoops! Someone did not read the post or look at the information contained. The information from the IPCC report was judged on the basis of where the IPCC said the climate would be in… wait for it…wait for it… 2011! And remember, it is the climate change alarmists not we skeptics who say they KNOW what will happen to the climate with “high certainty.” Apparently not… back to you…

Much less than the original frantic posturing of Al Gore and the like, eh? Now, even the worst possible outcome is 1 meter? Wow… how things change… Anyway, looks like we will be heading for the same 13-17 inches that we saw in the past century and the cenutry before that… all before man and his dread carbon emissions.

Why would I? I have never claimed that human rights much less gay rights are central to my concerns. But, if I do, you can damned well be certain that I will know and be able to judge which countries are doing a good job and which are an absolute disaster. You, on the other hand, have been very vocal about human rights…at least from a certain very narrow “precious” framework that probably goes down well in certain coffee shops which ironically are STILL corporations but ones that are not to be protested against by the “thinking left.” I am just wondering why you seem so concerned regarding the actions of certain people at certain times but then totally lose interest. Objectively, you should be screaming bloody murder about the North Koreans, the standards of women, gays, minorities in many parts of the world, but you choose to focus on only certain selected areas and then… you suddenly go silent… says a lot about your principles and I think that we ALL understand JUST what that means, don’t we? I think that we do… :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Whoops! Someone did not read the post or look at the information contained. The information from the IPCC report was judged on the basis of where the IPCC said the climate would be in… wait for it…wait for it… 2011! And remember, it is the climate change alarmists not we skeptics who say they KNOW what will happen to the climate with “high certainty.” Apparently not… back to you…[/quote]

The IPCC’s predictions have always been 2050-2100. They don’t make predictions for 2011.

No. What the IPCC does is to provide reports with trend lines… you know like for temperature and sealevel rise and the like and these trend lines are all rather … er… off… And given that the graphs in those reports contain those trendlines… I would say the IPCC is making predictions or what would you prefer to call them? not something that we can judge because it is not yet 2050? 2070? 2100? Now, that strikes me as very interesting because we have all manner of urgent action memos demanding that we do something now because of the changes that are taking place now… but they aren’t, are they? Hmmmm… yeah…

No. What the IPCC does is to provide reports with trend lines… you know like for temperature and sealevel rise and the like and these trend lines are all rather … er… off… And given that the graphs in those reports contain those trendlines… I would say the IPCC is making predictions or what would you prefer to call them? not something that we can judge because it is not yet 2050? 2070? 2100? Now, that strikes me as very interesting because we have all manner of urgent action memos demanding that we do something now because of the changes that are taking place now… but they aren’t, are they? Hmmmm… yeah…[/quote]

That statement just once again shows that you don’t understand or grasp the concept.

And I remind myself that I had promised not to debate this with you unless / until you show you’ve educated yourself a bit. As you haven’t…

Or left you speechless so once again… people who don’t buy into your religion just “don’t understand the science.”

Then, we both win, don’t we? :slight_smile:

If you wish to believe that extracting a single data point out of the beginning of an experiment can give you an accurate conclusion to the experiment then don’t let me stop you. Don’t be surprised if no one takes you seriously though.

When does the period 1995 to 2011 become a single data point? And like the immaculate conception, are the dire forecasts supposed to miraculously occur January 1, 2050 out of thin air? without any leadup to the same? Your IPCC reports and forecasts are based on models and those models contain trendlines and not too many of the trendlines are matching up to the original 1995 report so… even your IPCC gods are doing what? revising downward downward downward their dire forecasts report after report after report… mostly (notice I did not say ALL) downward downward downward bringing them increasingly into line with the views of skeptics such as myself and once again raising the question as to why urgent action is needed if the results are not going to be that much different as the trendlines before man began emitting so much more CO2. Regardless, you have had 20 years of conferences and hand wringing… what have you accomplished? why give more money for such efforts?

And I know you’re aware that the 1995 was the 2nd report, which has since been updated twice, with the 5th report due next year. While in fred smith’s world, perhaps it’s normal to use old data to try and bolster an argument and draw a conclusion (not that you’ve been very successful with that) but in the real world, we draw conclusions based on the most up-to-date information available. I hope that next time you go to a doctor you don’t have the same insistence on his using old data and ignoring the current work when diagnosing you. :slight_smile:

Ahh… How nice of you to finally concede to my point. YES, we DO use the latest information and that information, is, as I have indicated, more likely to buttress the positions of those of us who are less alarmist in our views. More downward revisions to emerge. This is PRECISELY why we discussed the prerelease of information indicating that so many of the dire predictions in the newest report are not going to have much backing. Check out the other thread… :slight_smile: Have a nice day :slight_smile:

[quote=“fred smith”]

Then, we both win, don’t we? :slight_smile:[/quote]

Only because you keep declaring victory when a “prediction” isn’t 100% right. Like said before, prediction need to show a trend. There are many factors that can change exactly how much rise in sea level annually, but in the long run it’s about the trend of rising sea level if certain factors are not controlled.

Taunting about smaller sea level rise than predicted is like laughing at Nate Silvers for getting 1 result for the 2008 senate race wrong, completely ignoring that over all his method of modeling and prediction works, and works like no one has ever seen before.

Like baseball sabermetrics, or political statistics, the numbers are not going to be the most accurate when you examine the results at the smallest measurements. Just because A-Rod goes 0 for 4 in a couple of games doesn’t mean the matrix saying his OPS+ will be 125 that year is wrong.

Less observed sea level rise doesn’t mean those who said it is rising are being “alarmists”. The fact is there are a large continuing loss of sea ice and glacier ice. The water might not have cause rise in sea level because Antarctic ice is expanding. But as the temperature continues to rise and the factors causing the rise remain, those ice will also melt. Any change in the climate behaves like a pendulum when examined in micro-measurements. The system keeping the climate stable will attempt to keep the system going, until a barrier breaks and we see a larger increase, then the system tries to kick back in again. But like a rubber band, the system will eventually snap, and won’t be able to recover any more. We are not far from that point. … gh/263522/

It’s really about the climate “CHANGE” not just about “warming”. Because when the climate changes, and the current ocean current system stops working, Earth will have two kinds of temperatures… hot as hell or cold as hell. Perhaps if you average those, you’d think it’s not a bad place to live.