Browse Past 24 Hours Function not working

The “Browse Past 24 Hours” function is not working for me.

Also, recently when I click on “New Posts” I get a message along the lines of “nothing matches that criteria” (or something like that).

Just thought I should let someone know. Thanks for the help.

Happens to me too with the “New Posts” function. Doesn’t seem to have a pattern. Sometimes I can’t access new posts at all through this function and at other times it will happen as I’m surfing through the new posts. Drives me nuts.

Me too with the new posts. Are you guys firefox users? I wonder if that’s it…

I have the same symptoms (Internet Explorer on Windows XP).

Yah, this feature has been broken for a few days already.

Oops, I meant to take the link off some time ago… Past 24 hour searches don’t work for anybody.

[url=Past 24-hour search is broken? it’s been broken for a few months (since April 2004)! It’s a problem phpBB forums of a certain size face. I thought I removed all links to it.

Instead of fixing it, I’ve been planning two “solutions”:

  1. do nothing because one of these days, the phpBB people will finish phpBB 2.2 and we’ll upgrade
  2. create Past 100 Post pages using the Fetch_All Hack, but this has been low on the list of priorities

Maybe you are being logged out automatically. Some were reporting this right after the move to ServerBeach. Whenever you log out, this “clears” your New Posts

In my experience, ‘invalid sessions’ also reset your new posts. Also sometimes Forumosa is so slow IE comes up with the ‘couldn’t find the page’ thing. I think this resets it too.

But, I’ve also been experiencing my ‘new posts’ resetting for none of these reasons. I wonder if there is a patch for ‘posts since (date/time)’?


Question: If this is happening because I am being logged out automatically, how do I prevent being logged out automatically?