Bubble tea yogurt (Euro)

In Estonia (Euro) , pop bubbles that are not the same as Southern Taiwan

so that fish roe looking thing is supposed to be the bubble?


I don’t think that’s it at all. It looks like some kind of EU style dumpling served with cream cheese and roe.

It brings back memories.

You mean raviolis?


Yea, I think they sell at Netto or other discounters for around 3 euros for a big pack, at least back in 2011 (no idea what it is now). They’re quite expensive here.

Honestly I had mass produced German food before, not the best but it’s pretty wholesome, and I lost weight there because the food there just seems to go further. Taiwanese food don’t go for long, I feel like I must eat piles of them to not feel hungry. Hence it’s hard to keep weights off here except by willpower.

Loved me some creamy spinach raviolis. Kopytka and Pierogi are good too.

It could be the sugar in the food. People confused craving sugar with been hungry

The black bread from Germany is not very tasty, in fact it tastes kinda vile, but it’s very wholesome and a few slices (small slices at that) is enough to feel full. You eat it with cold cuts to make it palatable. The ones in Taiwan are not real. Everything’s full of sugar here for some reason.

It grew on me. A good rye bread is pretty awesome. Although people did start guild wars over rye or wheat breads, so… I guess some people just really hate it.

That IS fish roe (Trout) haha, the bubbles in the yogurt pack. I will try get photo after opened, if I try it before flying back to Taiwan.