Buckle Up ~ Enterovirus Incoming!

Keep up the hand washing and good hygiene practices, might be a rough couple of weeks especially for those with kids and working around kids.


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How likely are you to end up in the ICU or die from this virus? Or is it just like norovirus, just makes you feel bad for a little bit unless you’re just completely immunocompromised?

These kinds of gastrointestinal troubles are deeply unfun.

I’ve been there, done that, and do not wish to repeat the experience!



Have you forgotten how to use Google already? You were so good at it last week.


Hope they’re not thinking of using this as an excuse to remobilize the CECC. :unamused:


That’s why I asked if there’s any chance of ending up dead, or if so what are the chances of ending up dead if you do catch it.

If the chances are very low (like norovirus) then there’s no way in heck they are going to restart the CECC over it.

That was my first thought. On what basis, exactly, can they predict an ‘‘epidemic’’? Did someone walk out of a lab with a vial of something they shouldn’t?



Dunno. Google will probably be able to advise, but I don’t care enough to go check. Be my guest.

I would imagine there’s a chance of dying, as with anything else. It’s probably just 30% or something, as with COVID. :scream: [/s]

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It’s “going to hit next week”? It’s already here — every kid or person with kids i know seems to either have been horribly sick this past week or half their (child’s) class was out. (Exaggeration? Only a little bit. But quite a few 40+ degree fevers)

Wash your hands like it’s March 2020, drink plenty of water, get sufficient sleep, mild exercise, etc.

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Why do you put epidemic in quotes, like they’re not real or something?

A good few kids out in my eldest’s class. I spoke to a parent who thinks it is because they were “cold” after swimming practice.


Because in this instance it’s a pure hypothetical. It says so in the article. They’re just handwaving and yelling.

And also because the last “epidemic” we had was 99.93% theater. Very expensive theater. And not very entertaining.

It seems some folks in this thread are suffering from a kind of PTSD.

Try to see the enterovirus outbreak (it’s not the first, it won’t be the last) for what it actually is. You might get more clarity that way.



What recent “epidemic” was real, in your opinion?

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Going to get worse next week I guess, ramping up in my kid’s school with a few kids from their classes out yesterday, will likely start to exponentially increase. I think (hope) my kids already have whatever variant is doing the rounds, they’re 90% recovered and it wasn’t that serious for them.

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It’s only enterovirus, FFS.

Cue someone cutting and pasting some nasty shit one might get…


I tell parents who say dumb shit like this that I lived in my wet swimsuit all summer every summer as a kid and I never got sick in the summer. It’s almost like sunshine and fresh air counteract the “cold” that swimming makes you. Now, one really should change into dry clothes after swimming, but the reason for that has nothing to do with one’s body temperature.


I had a recent conversation with a parent enquiring about swimming practice for the older kids. “Is the water heated?” Yep. “But they can still get a cold afterwards when they are drying off.” She was genuinely concerned.


There are so few good swimmers here. I wonder how much this is one of the reasons.


In cold, snowy climates, outdoor saunas and outdoor hot tubs are used year round. You sit in the heat and then go swim in the snow and head back to the heat. It’s very good for your immune system.

If you’re cold while swimming in a heated pool (or after getting out of one), the only reason is that you didn’t swim enough/hard enough. And I’ve seen how little physical exercise kids get at swimming lessons here. It makes me want to open my own swim school. They literally swim 10 meters and then stop and wait for five other kids, then swim 10 meters back and wait for the five other kids again. There is no situation in life where you’ll only need to swim 10 meters. Even the US Red Cross expects 25 meters (yards?) of butterfly to pass level 5

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