I’m starting a night market stall with a friend, and we’re wondering if we’re going to need a business license, what that process would be like, etc. I looked at the sticky on the process of starting a business, but that was more like starting a company than an actual store or something like that, so it seems it would be slightly different. Anyone know how this is done? Thanks.
What’s your (and your friend’s) resident status?
if you are here on a normal arc, you will get deported for working illegally, if you are aprc/jfrv, no problem. unfortunately with a stall there is no business license, you just have play the rules of the street. the police will show up once in a while, pay the fine, it’s peanut money. be nice to your neighbours. compromise, don’t fight. they are the ones that will let you stay there, smile, suck it up and you will do fine. Fight, resist and complain and you will be outta there very quickly.
i see the odd foreigner selling stuff on the street here and there. there is that guy from turkey that has been selling ice cream in danshuei and kending for a million years. talk to one of them for a true experience. don’t go in blind.
good luck.
So then, we can’t go through the same process of starting a company and get an APRC that way? Not a big deal for me because I’m engaged, but my partner is single and foreign and currently just has a student ARC.
He’s on a hiding to nothing. He COULD put up money, I suppose, but he’d have to do it as a silent partner and he’d be risking deportation if he actually worked the stall – I guess that’s the only way they’d catch him. You’re no good either, if you’re just engaged. Once you’re married, then you’re laughing.
I’m also not at all sure about the poster who claims you don’t need a permit. That’s just ASKING for trouble. I know several street vendors and they all have permits issued by the local government, plus additional agreements with the stallholder associations in their areas. Ignore them AT YOUR PERIL!