*BUSTED* My little school is in peril!

you don’t need a work permit, so you just need the same qualifications with locals to teach at daycare, anqinban or kindergarten.

Daycare: Article 3 of Regulations for Governing Qualifications and Trainings of Professional Personnel of Children and Youth Welfare Institutes

Anqinban: Articles 6–11 of the same law

Kindergarten: Articles 10 or 11 of The Statute for Preschool Educators

I think you may be able to do some performances or lectures for kids not as an employee but as an invited person without those qualifications, but I’m not very sure.

Buxiban: Supplementary Education Act
they don’t prohibit Buxiban teach something to under 6 kids.


I finally got my buxiban license this week. It’s been a tough year without the ability to advertise and attract more students. All said, it took us 9 months to renovate the location and get it inspected. Happy days :blush:


Great to hear a success story.

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Good luck!

Not a whole lot of sympathy from me, I’m afraid. An American friend of mine in Taichung opened a school a few years ago, and did everything by the book. Yes, it was a hassle, and took time and money, but he’s compliant, licensed and legal. You took a chance on getting away with things, and now it looks like karma has come knocking on your door.

We took the risk because we didn’t have the money to gamble starting our own school. We were found out but by that time our school was a proven success.

Instead of folding we found another property and made it a legitimate buxiban. I would have done it differently knowing what I know now. Still, I don’t regret my decision to start my school many years ago.


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