Buy 1 get 1 free deals

This is a thread to alert each other of buy one get one free deals.

7-11 is currently having a buy 1 get 1 free deal for Twix candy bars. It runs through December 24, 2024. One bar is 49 nt. Has anyone noticed that candy bars and chocolate are more expensive now?


Do you also accept deals for $10 extra? (or other insert marginal near-free amt extra?)

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Sure, why not? Buy one, get a second for 10 nt is almost free. But no 20% off lame deals for a second purchase.


Then the Twix Xtras are buy one get one $10 at FamilyMart


Of course many more things than pure cacao in those prices, but anyway see this graph


6 posts were split to a new topic: Five finger discount

McDonald sometimes does buy 1 get 1 free deals on various stuff… often mcflurry, sometimes mcnuggets, or fries and other sides.

This thread is for specifics, not speculation

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The deal changes weekly. Currently the app has buy 1 get 1 free 4 piece chicken nugget, but it’s only valid for mcdelivery.

Do you get one free nugget or four?

That’s silly

You’ve surprisingly piqued my interest to the point that I have looked up Chicken McNuggets on the intraweb, and apparently they come in packs of 4, 6, 10, 20, and 50. So, not necessarily silly with regards to a pack of 4. Next week, could be a pack of 50 and some posters would be celebrating.

I believe he meant buy one four-piece box/bag get one four-piece box/bag free. You must know TL can be a bit lax with singular vs. plural, and esses in general (I’m sick of reading “McDonald”…). :face_with_peeking_eye:

It seems to be a recurring offer though, for hash browns too. From the app:

God, that almost makes Pizza Hut look appetizing.


And I happily eat some rather dire junk food.

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Rain story umbrellas on sale buy one, get one. All 3 sizes. Q SQUARE.


The silliness is them saying you buy a pack of 4 nuggets you get an extra nugget. They would just sell it as a 5 pack

Yeah, I just used it once when I wanted — stupidly — to try the mala nuggets and the offer happened to be there. I wouldn’t do that to my metabolism again.

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It’s GIGO. In terms of both @Taiwan_Luthiers wording and chicken McNuggets, or whatever they’re called.

I don’t think anyone said that? What TL wrote initially was correct, albeit somewhat poorly/ambiguously worded.

The really silly thing is how the McDonald’s app says you’re not allowed to order more than NT$30,000 of their slop online. Now who would want to do that? :grimacing:

That’s a lot of buy one get one free chicken nuggets!

I think the rule is mainly for BIG orders, as in big enough for restaurants to have huge trouble in fulfilling the order. Those kind you really want to arrange in advanced.

But only Trump would use McDonalds for catering anyways.