California School Grooms Children For Sexual Transition Without Parents’ Knowledge or Consent

It’s not an issue if the teacher cares. It’s not their place to cut the parent out. If the child is uncomfortable with talking to their parents, they should still be brought in unless there is an immediate threat to the child.

No one supersedes the parents in child care unless that decision is to prevent harm to the child. Certainly not teachers.


All of this can be true but that’s not up to teachers to decide while intentionally cutting the parents out.


There are obviously limits to the extent that individual parents can dictate how the school treats their child. My son keeps getting in trouble for punching his would-be bullies, rather than telling his teachers about it. I happen to agree with his approach, but I don’t expect the school to endorse it. I’m not saying it’s the same thing, but there’s a line somewhere, and I think it’s possible for reasonable people to disagree on where that line is.

I was kind of surprised by the mention of parental consent for sex education above – I don’t think it was optional when I was at school, though I could be wrong. The current UK policy appears to be somewhat complicated, but it does ultimately allow the child to override the parents (albeit at 15 and up).

Anyway, one thing I’ll concede is that if this is the district policy, it should have been adopted openly and with input from the wider parent body, which I guess it wasn’t. One of the clickthrough links talks about a very similar case currently on appeal in the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It’ll be interesting to see how that turns out.

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It’s not even close. If you had an anti-bully club that was advising your son on the best ways to properly hit a bully, maybe hit first, how would you feel then? Really, at the end of the day, your kid is still hitting other kids. :idunno:

As for sex ed, afaik, parental consent isn’t needed, but I’ve seen sex ed in k-3 that explains all the different ways humans can smush, and I found it as ridiculous as the kids did fascinating.

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But the reality is the opposite – the school indoctrinates children to never hit back or defend themselves, to accept the beating and then go find a teacher. Doesn’t seem healthy to me. But sure, it isn’t the same thing – just the best example I could immediately come up with from my own kid’s schooling.

I could have gone with filial piety training instead, I guess. Once he was given homework to wash his mother’s feet as a demonstration of gratitude for giving birth to him. I’m starting to understand why so many young Taiwanese people are they way they are.

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Not how my secondary school did it, first they would break up the fight, then drag us off to the gym, put boxing gloves on us and then it was “ding ding” round 1.


I would say there’s a stigma about fighting in public here, certainly compared to the West.

This is the problem here in my mind, as things can get set onto a path to this kind of medicalization.


Its a concern, for sure, and connects to the progressive peer pressure I mentioned above. Over-affirmation is bad. My own feeling is it’s possible to be accepting without pushing the kid either way.

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I think you’re getting lost in the analogy.

Also, no. Any kind of violence at the elementary level is excised. There are few beatings and little need to defend oneself. Kids get sat down for any aggressive play. Teachers and staff get involved before the kids even know the hell is going on. There’s no chance to figure shit out “naturally.” Jordan Peterson has a big speech about this. An adverse effect of NOT hitting bullies back is that by high school, they’re junior sociopaths.that’s the case in my district, from my POV, natch.

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Not really on topic, but this is the only topic I found about trans issues in US Politics, so, there’s this complain from women who don’t want to lose to the 462nd best male (and #1 woman) in the country.

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What teacher would even want to be involved in this? I can see recommending a therapist or telling them to talk to their parents, but only weirdos with agendas would go out and try fishing.


Ideological cultists.


Would you like to tell me how it’s any different than parents refusing to listen to a teacher that gives concrete and specific evidence of a learning disability, only to have parents insist that nothing is “wrong” with their child? I have had at least eight parents this year from my class of 26 tell me to fuck off when I broached the subject with them. These are kids who cannot make eye contact even if you physically hold their face, will turn around and punch someone in the nose when they sense the person coming close to them, pick up chairs and tables and launch them across the room because they don’t want someone to sit next to them, and cannot read and write anything after over a year and half of being in the classroom. Yet the parents tell me their child is “normal” and “never does that at home”. Parents who are in denial about something that is obviously taking place harm everyone involved. Teachers spend a lot more waking hours with children than the parents do. If I start accommodating and ADHD child the way my special Ed teacher friend suggests and the child improves, I have in no way invalidated the child’s identity or sense of self, even though the parents refused to get the kid tested. It’s not really any different than a male child asking me to use female pronouns and call them by a different name, even while the parents insist they have a son, not a daughter. But as a teacher, I wouldn’t bother involving the parents if they insisted they had a son if their child told me they identified as female. Just like my French teacher would refer to me with my English name, not my French one, because that’s the one my parents know.

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A post was split to a new topic: Name calling


I’m on the younger end of millennials, but sure, call me a boomer. You know, the generation that’s in denial about the fact that young people are always more progressive than the generations before them? Those boomers.

Was referring to the OP, who is clearly obsessed with conflating gender and sex, and trying to keep the gender binary in the 1950s. And oh the irony of using 2112 as his avatar. Don’t care if he’s a literal baby boomer or not, “boomer” is a state of mind and he’s embracing it. I see it in his critique of JEDI initiatives in other threads, too.

Im also seeing people jumping on the backwoods US anti-history education stuff in other threads. I thought this stuff was for Fox News watchers in Idaho and West Virginia, not world-traveling expats. You people are scaring me.


Please don’t confuse all Forumosans with the vocal minority!

Eight out of 26? What is going on at your school?would be my question if I were a parent

Relax and take your pill, Millennial. :wink:


We have another five or six that clearly have a learning disability but are able to function more or less and without harming others. Basically, more than half our class has some sort of learning disability. What’s wrong with our school? It was established after a bunch of rich parents enjoyed how much they were catered to when their children were in the affiliated kindy, so the school didn’t do any screening before admitting those kids. Because we’re an “experimental” school, the admin insist that we cannot “discriminate” against any child for any reason. They can’t grasp that there is a difference between discrimination and making sure all learners are getting what they need. They don’t think having a room full of disruptive kids is discriminating against kids who can sit still and do their own work. I have parents of third graders who “didn’t know” their child cannot zipper their coat or ladle soup into their bowl. They insist that in the 8 years of being affiliated with the school, this is the first time anyone dared “imply” their child was “not normal”. I have other students that have no speech skills because a noise and pointing has been all they needed up until this point in their life to get what they need. Their parents insist that “小男孩都是這樣啊”. So I don’t bother trying to communicate with the parents. You can’t zipper your coat? I’ll show you how and then we will all wait for you to figure it out before we go outside. You can’t ladle soup into your bowl? You’re going to be cleaning up after yourself, and it’s not a small mess. You think pointing at your crotch and saying “uhm er” will make me say “yes you may go to the bathroom”? No. You will say “May I go to the bathroom?” or you will pee your pants and take care of cleaning up the mess yourself. (To be clear, that last one was assessed and the report literally said “child has learned helplessness, parents and teachers are advised to encourage him to do more things independently”. The parents don’t want to see their little boy “suffer”, so they ignored the doctors advice. I’m not letting a truly needs help third grader wet himself) Taiwanese for profit private school Ed is a mess.