Calling 800 numbers us from Taiwan and other calls

I need to call the US for free. A bank please let me put on hold forever. What’s the best way for 800 number to be reached from Taiwan. What’s the way to reach non-800 numbers in the US some people are in the Stone age. I’d rather be there too.
I hear if I use my home phone I will not get charged for the call to the States but just chargers local Taiwan air time for line time as a regular phone call in Taiwan

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Skype should work.

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Skype does free 1.800 numbers.

Skype also charges like $5 a month US to have unlimited US calling.

I use google voice over wifi and it’s free

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Skype works, was able to call the IRS to verify id with it.

As for calling other numbers, I’ve found quite a few land lines block Skype for some reason. I’ve tried calling land lines with Skype and the phone either keeps ringing or call doesn’t go through (wanted to save money by not paying traditional voice rates) and calling with a phone works. I do not know if they have similar issues in the us.

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I have the same problem. Was communicating with my bank via messages on their website but was told to call in order to deal with a particular problem. Was told to just use a free phone app but not told which one they would accept. Then I was blocked from accessing my account because I tried to transfer money to my sister. I looked online and some say Whatsapp seems to work. Haven’t tried it yet.

Also works over your cell phone carrier’s 4G/5G connection… My mom doesn’t have Wi-Fi at the house, and I’m waiting until I get a job (just got my ARC yesterday) before I get it, but right now it’s not a priority.

Also it’s oddly cheaper to call Taiwan landline 02 numbers using google voice ($0.02 per min) than it is to dial from a Taiwan mobile number (6NT per min or around $0.20). So I top up some cash in my Google voice app and use that to call places like restaurants in Taiwan.

Back in the days, even US prepaid on my first phone in 2001 was pretty similar… I used to remember landline and in network mobile calls were $0.25 a minute while out of network mobile calls were $0.50, then MAYBE a discount if you bought a bigger prepaid card and discounted night/weekend, but I digress.

Taiwan is still kinda backwards in that regard since one reason LINE Messenger and to an extent, FaceTime are insanely popular is because there’s unlimited data but voice calls still bill you, when in the US there’s unlimited calls but data is still metered to an extent, and also the other reason why landlines still haven’t went the way of the dinosaur and people still get it, when the only guy I know with a household landline lives way the hell deep in a rural mountain area and MAYBE you’d luck out with getting one bar of Verizon on his front porch.

Had that problem also.
PC home told me to do this and it solved the problem.
What is caller identification and how do I set it up in Skype? | Skype Support.