Can a NWOHR buy a house in Taiwan?

Hi @Shaozhi ,

I looked up what seems like the version of this question in Chinese just in case it helps to reference (although it’s not 100% the same – but there could be a lot of reasons for that):

To me, this looks like a list post-purchase. For example, 土地所有權狀 is issued after the land becomes yours. Then again, it could also be a mixed list of things that should be provided at different steps of the process. It’s also possible this list isn’t for your situation (more on this below).

However I also noticed item 129 here: 中華民國內政部地政司全球資訊網-地政問答

But then when I actually go to the place it references, it seems the closest document is for larger scale investment: 外國人取得土地申請書(外國人投資國內重大建設整體經濟或農牧經營取得土地辦法)

So, it’s still unclear to me. I don’t think I had to fill out this form, but I was already a land owner and NWOHR, so my situation is a bit different from yours. I would recommend going to the Department of Land Administration and asking directly.

You could also reach out to the other folks on this thread who were not land owners and not NWOHRs who were planning to buy a home: Home Loans for Foreigners - #50 by multipass

If any of them completed the process, they may be able to give you more relevant information than I can, since my situation may have been slightly different.