Can I legally work while on a Huayu Enrichment Scholarship program?

I am employed in Taiwan by a cram school, but my Chinese is not really good. I want to learn Chinese, but because the 12-15 hours a week classes would compromise my work schedule I need the money from the Scholarship. Can I still have a working permit while on this scholarship?
*I heard degree seeking students are able to get a working permit for 20 hours a week through their university, but haven t heard about people on Chinese studying scholarships, and people in the immigration ministry are not clear about the regulation or don’t understand what I mean

Join a free language exchange on FB where you can pick your hours.

To answer your question directly: No, you can’t have aHuayu Scholarship for Chinese language school and hold a work permit. If you have a scholarship for seeking a degree, you can work with restrictions on hours.

if you are not a degree course student, you can apply for a part time work permit after studying for 1 year.

Added: the scholarship is for up to 1 yr, and you cannot apply for the scholarship if you have studied Chinese in Taiwan. So, no, you cannot get a work permit while you are on the scholarship.

Did that rule change , that you can’t get the scholarship if you studied Chinese in Taiwan before? (Like a hard rejection)

I applied 5 years ago for the study Chinese scholarship although I had studied Chinese in Taiwan before.

They let me apply, they said it was OK and
I qualified , but then it was rejected. Actually they didn’t even reject me, they just ghosted me. I called and they said if you didn’t hear anything you didn’t get it.

I assumed it was that they wanted people that didn’t know of Taiwan before to come vs people that had already been there. The whole increasing soft power bit. Giving it to someone who had already been doesn’t increase their clout so it kinda makes sense

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Dan2006’s experience almost exactly mirrors my own. I had been living and working in Taiwan for 5 years, got my APRC and quit my job to study Chinese full time. I applied for the Huayu Scholarship but was ghosted as well.

I would bet on this.

Anyway, what tando said applies: You can apply for a part time work permit after studying for 1 year. The Huayu scholarship is for up to 1 yr, and you cannot apply for the scholarship if you have studied Chinese in Taiwan. So, no, you cannot get a work permit while you are on the scholarship.

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