Can I reject a job offer after they help me getting the work permit?

Hello, is there any update about this? I also have same case, but since I have family emergency I could not sure when I can go back to Taiwan, I haven’t sign any contract or sign any document, I just submit my diploma, arc, and passport, also my working permit is still on process

If you’ve submitted your ARC, does that mean it’s still valid?

I’d work with your employer to come to an arrangement. Is working remotely while you deal with family issues a possibility?

Yes my ARC is still valid, but my working permit is still on process, but my company told me that they can not ensure when is my working permit done, and it’s already more than half a month

Do they know about you returning for a family emergency? Again, I’d try and work with them to figure something out. Since you have a valid ARC you can always return to Taiwan if they are unable to delay your start date and choose not to employ you.

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Yes I already inform them

I guess I don’t see what the problem is then. It sounds like the company is working with you to find a solution. Sure you can always quit if you want to but if they’re being flexible during a family emergency then that speaks well for the employer.

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