Can someone please tell me why

In all of the convenience stores around my apartment, the cold drinks that I like to drink are never cold because the “refrigerator” it is housed in is an open-ended one, with no door!

But why?

I’d rather the drinks be in a contained, sealed, and cold refrigerator! Some things about Taiwan I will never understand!


  1. Try other convenience stores
  2. Put those drinks into your fridge then, it might get colder.

Can’t believe someone writes a thread on this case and blames the whole Taiwan, geee…


Thirsty T,

I dont have conclusive proof on this one, but my advertising friend (beverages) told me that convenience stores probably do this on purpose. Survey data shows that colder stores have higher sales figures than non air cooled stores. Survey data indicates that shoppers want to be cooled down when buying cold drinks. Think: Taida b-ball players, construction workers, etc. Huge capacity AC machines and open fridges = freezing air and more shoppers. Huan Ling Guang Lin !!

From my own observations, I also think the high traffic stores purposely keep their fridges “doorless” because they have too many shoppers per hour and their doors break too often with wear & tear. This is definitely speculation.

Hey, if there are other 7-11 or beverage executives out there, please share.

Taiwan convenience store drinks are never cold enough. Is is only foreigners that like really cold drinks?

Is is only foreigners that like really cold drinks?


I am constantly told by Taiwanese friends and students that COLD
DRINKS ARE BAD FOR YOU. If the same drink is warm, it is ok.

My mom used to give me ice cream when I had a cold to make me
feel better, but in Taiwan, eat an ice cream cone when it is colder
weather or you seem to have a cold and strangers stop to tell you
that you should not do that.

I know that they are trying to be helpful sometimes, but…

Yeah, why is there such a taboo against cold drinks in Taiwan? Every time I go to the doctor, they all tell me to “take these pills three times a day after meal. And no drinking cold water.”

I get that alot. They just say it is bad for you, but they can never tell you exactly how.

Because it is bad for your body due to the fact that your body have more Yin in it and by drinking cold water will make it more Yin. Well, that is what I heard but i don’t know if it is true…

They do have the closed-door for some the drinks in bottles…

And if you drink cold water you’ll be all up the yin yang

My wife drinks cold stuff in front of her parents all the time. It used to drive her parents nuts. My wife got so sick of hearing them bitch about drinking cold beverages that she just told them: “the only reason you didn’t drink cold beverages when you were growing up is because you were too damn redneck poor to afford a refrigerator!” Her dad, having been civilized by Hong Kong, drinks his beer ice cold, so I can get along with him. Luckily my wife broke her parents in on cold beverages long before they met me. They never really say anything to me about it, but they still try to get me to have soup every day, even on the hottest day of the summer.

Just had a though…

It is very interesting that Taiwanese drink hot tea with their meals at restaurant but in US, we gotta have iced-water or cold beverages. So whenever I go out with my parent, I would asked hot tea for them and iced water for me…

Yeah, my wife has been after me for drinking cold water for ages. I can’t stand drinking the lukewarm or hot water that’s been sitting in the pot after being boiled. Yech. I got the explanation that it is somehow related to the weather here in Taiwan and that drinking cold water will make you get sick more easily. She’s offered no real evidence to support this theory. We have a daughter now 11 1/2 months and wife and mother-in-law always complain when I offer her cold water. She likes it enough that if she sees me drinking water she’ll come over and grab for the glass. Bottom line, if they can’t come up with a good reason that is more than just speculation, I’m not going to believe it.

Drinking cold water (and eating cold food like icecream) is not good for you. It’s a shock to the system. It’s not good for your digestive or lymphatic (or something) system. Proabbly not that bad though.


I drink it - but my missus is not happy to see the girls drink it, especially when they have the flu or something.

I therefore only give them cold things when the missus looks away.

plus drinking cold water is like negative calories… since you body has to heat up the water… or at least somebody told me this

Don’t like cold water though except when the weather is really hot

[quote=“Mr He”]I drink it - but my missus is not happy to see the girls drink it, especially when they have the flu or something.

I therefore only give them cold things when the missus looks away.[/quote]

Wow, what an awasome dad!!! Be careful though, otherwise you are going to spoil the kids… heck, who cares! :wink:

okay, here is the truth: there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for not drinking cold water. It is pure ASian medical hokeypokeyitis. Nothing to it at all. Period. Western medicine and Eastern medical are from different plants, Mars and Jupiter, and never the twain shall meet. But that doesn’t make either one of them superior. What works works. Cold water is good for you. Lukewarm water is also good for you. It is pure culture bunk shit they say over here, Korea too. Japan too. They got something against cold water, I dunno why. Cold water is fine. Drink up.

Such dummies everywhere! I am beginning to rethink why I came to this Planet!

i asked a lot of asian people, my parents too, about this and they dont have any coherent, reasonable explanation for this theory.

I talked with my chinese medicine doctor. his explanation seems better:

basically, humans weren’t designed to intake vast amounts of cold fluid. it brings a shock to the internal tissues that operate at whatever 38.x degs. [remember when you have a brain freeze or a icy/smoothie freeze in your head that really hurts? kinda like that) maybe cool water is ok, but obviously ice is even less appropriate. overtime, this especially affects the neck muscles as well as the internal system/organs (trans?)
(i had problems with this, stopped drinking ice cold stuff and my neck has been better. coincidence? i dunno, but it’s working)

so some of you may wonder, what about freaking eskimos and arctic folk [maybe they do heat up their water, anyone know?], dont they have to drink cold stuff? to which his answer is:

They live in a cold environment and the body (from external stimuli) understands that it is in a cold environment over a long period of time. so the body has adapted over a lifetime.

This contrasts with most of us who either live in a temperate, tropical, sub-tropical, or urban setting where our bodies are subject to a warm environment and responds accordingly.

in short, he said drink/eat stuff that is consistent with your climate (at least for coldness. this doesn’t apply the hot side. and i hope you don’t go around drinking boiling liquid)

[quote=“formosa”]okay, here is the truth: there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for not drinking cold water. It is pure Asian medical hokeypokeyitis. Nothing to it at all. Period. Western medicine and Eastern medical are from different plants, Mars and Jupiter, and never the twain shall meet. But that doesn’t make either one of them superior. What works works. Cold water is good for you. Lukewarm water is also good for you. It is pure culture bunk shit they say over here, Korea too. Japan too. They got something against cold water, I dunno why. Cold water is fine. Drink up.

Such dummies everywhere! I am beginning to rethink why I came to this Planet![/quote]

Hey W’dya know the Dr is in the house - Thanks for solving that mystery for us.