Can TW dual nationals enter TW on their non-TW passport?

Whilst the law requires citizens with a House registry to enter using TW passport, will they be reprimanded or denied entry at immigration if using the non TW passport?

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I think @AvaiVayayana does that regularly. It allows him to shop tax free in Taiwan - but he cannot perform certain tasks while he is not “officially” in the country as a Taiwanese.

Seems to be perfectly legal - Taiwan doesn’t seem to have a requirement to enter on a TW passport.


No law requires a dual citizen with HHR to enter Taiwan on an ROC passport. They can enter on foreign passport but are then subject to the visa conditions of that foreign passport. Also use the search function asked and answered already many times @calibre2001

Same for taxation


Are there also tax implications for doing so?


I have never done so. My son’s mother does though she enters on Australian passport. My son uses NWOHR passport or his Australian passport.

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Recently if you’re a naturalised Taiwanese citizen you have to leave the country on a Taiwanese passport if it’s the first time leaving since naturalisation. But that’s for leaving and only the first time.
There is a case where this was in the news maybe just two years ago.

An issue I thought I might face with my son is traveling with a passport that doesn’t match the name on the plane ticket. Although we will bring both documents with us, some countries require travelers to present the same passport that appears on the ticket to pass through immigration. I’m not sure if Taiwan has this requirement, as I’ve found contradictory information online.

The reason for this is to avoid having to apply for visas if one of the passports offers visa-free travel options and the other does not.

I have no idea if I’m explaining myself properly.

Last summer: My son has both Spanish and Taiwanese passports. We were leaving from Taiwan (this wasn’t the first time he has traveled with his Taiwanese passport) to go to the Emirates. Taiwanese citizens require an online visa (paid), but Spanish citizens do not.
I contacted their embassy, and they told me that the passport used to enter the country must match the one on the ticket. However, when I contacted the Taiwanese authorities, they were unsure if he could leave the country with documents that don’t match. My wife also called to ask the same question in Chinese, but they still didn’t know (maybe we just happened to speak with two people who were unfamiliar with the rules, but we didn’t get a clear answer).
We decided to fly with the Taiwanese passport to avoid any problems and obtained the necessary visa, but I’d like to know what the situation will be for future travel.

Name on passport does not have to match boarding pass. None of my passports uses same name.



he just uses TW passport to pass the border in TW, can do check in with spanish passport and then when they ask about ARC/Visa can show tw passport/National ID. Easy peasy. Enter UAE on Spanish passport and when they ask for return check in for ARC/Visa or exit ticket show taiwan passport and reenter on TW passport

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