Canadian murdered in Yonghe

If that’s the case, there should have been wild cannabis here I would have thought , otherwise they were cultivating it.

I heard Dr. MacKay brought the first plants over in the late 1800s (being a good Canadian and all).
Hence the reason he was known affectionately to many as “Dr. MacHigh”…


(Tell me this dude ain’t high as balls)

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I don’t believe you.

The Terence McKenna of his age.



That’s a damning statistic right there. I’m shocked.

More like stoned.

For purpose of clarification, do the English teachers include only foreigners?

That would be racist.


One thing I do not like about the circle chart is it does not break down into nationalities. I want to see the nationality breakdown!

You mean you want a circle in the circle in the circle showing Kanucks on Ketamine™ right now?

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If the stats are there, it would be a fascinating read.

I underestimated you. Good job, my friend!

What that chart is based on factual data and not just a drawing of pretty circles within circles?

Wonderful editorial by some big nose. Really a good piece. I fell asleep before I finished it but have a read.

I disagree and will repost what I did years ago on Forumosa on safety and foreigners. Not safe in the way Singapore or Scandinavia are.

From 2008: Your response sounds like the standard government response. What about the Converse Asia executive whose wife was killed in her house back in Taichung in the late 1990s? Have they ever caught the murderers of the wife of the head of Converse Asia? She was killed in 1997 in front of her two children in her house in a gated community with private security guards. This international executive stayed in Taiwan for a year afterwards trying to get the government to do something. Complete waste of time. Somehow someone got in with a truck, stole their big TV etc. etc., murdered her, and the guards and security cameras saw nothing. Must have been ghosts. There were suggestions at the time that the security company and guards (all ex-police) were involved in the murder and being protected by the local cops.

Then there was the teacher who had his dick cut off one night while walking across Tai Da campus. Then there were the 2 teachers riding bicycles down in Taichung or Tainan (one of these cities) who were attacked by a gang…one had his arm cut off. Or the Swedish engineer that had been in Taiwan for three hours. A Taiwanese company picked him up at the airport and they went to a pub down in Taichung/Tainan. Some unknown came running in the pub and caved in his skull with a piece of steel or something and ran out. The Swede was brain damaged. No one was ever caught and the Swede had never even been in Taiwan before.

Kind message, but inaccurate as it repeatedly says this was a dispute between rival drug dealers, which we know is not the situation (if any of the other 500 articles are right). Oh and all 3 were friends.

Unrelated, but made me think of:

Hmm no mention of the recently hacked up women.

Note: I was being sarcastic. That’s why I wrote I fell asleep reading it. sarcasm-meter

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