Cancel Culture Victims

Swap out Fox news for CNN, and the other side would agree.

But I’m with you on the importance of education, this isn’t just my field of work it is my broad field of academic expertise. I like to educate people on, for example, the importance of not judging ideas based on the false assumption of the speaker wearing a toupee. High level stuff, that!

But the GOP
Are pushing cancel culture
As a legit threat

This stuff hurts progress
Take a look at GOP
Covid denial

Half of Trump voters
Don’t want to get a vaccine
This is not progress

It is all part of
The same right distraction grift
Time to be smarter

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It is, in my opinion

Well, one reason it is a legit threat is wasting time canceling academics whose opinions are disagreeable to the far left. Both sides are guilty here as far as I’m concerned. Yes, the far right is hurting progress with a focus on cancel culture. So is the far left.

Don’t worry, it will be once enough of them die from the virus

Two wrongs don’t make a right, is my point. If you can only see half of the problem, you could work on that smarts for your own self.

Here is the playbook
Take any issue and make
It Armageddon

I think some are duped
As to the level of threat
That is the problem


I don’t disagree, but I still think the far right gets their new tricks from the far left

Me too, Jordan Peterson for example. Man, was the left ever duped into thinking he was a problem! If the far left gets away nonsense, with abandoning reason for example, the far right would be stupid not to use the same tools.


Far right blows up a non-issue, left and liberals point out how ridiculous they are being, ‘moderates’: “see! lefties are making an issue out of this.”
Meanwhile right-wing has moved on to other important issues, like raising objections to female soldiers getting body armor that fits. Cycle repeats.


if that’s your only disagreement with everything i wrote up there, i’ll take it
signed, a real liberal

i’m curious, who do you think coined the terms SJW and cancel culture? you might fight the answer to the rest of your two paragraphs there.

they would not be good intentions then. if you do the wrong thing thinking it’s the right, you’re reasoning may be off but your intentions are good. #logic (i’m just poking you cause you said #sociolinguisitics or something to me the other day lol)

yes, they’ve moved from one non-issue outrage to the next flavor of the week.

can’t speak for others but i can assure that is not the case for me.

i don’t know you so i don’t know what you mean by people like me. however i think most people do not deserve slander period. they deserve education. it sounds victim-y but if so that sucks, i’m sorry.

that’s pretty messed up. so you and i are in the same age demo. that’s no way to speak to someone and is only pushing them further away rather than winning anyone over. what was the topic, though? there is a big difference between saying something problematic and. being labeled problematic before speaking. there are instances when it is better to be a listener than a speaker (and maybe learn something from another’s experiences), i believe that, especially as a white-passing cis male myself.

it sounds like you’re done growing then? your mind has been made up on what’s what. pray this never happens to me. it’s good to have strong convictions but to have it all figured out by finishing uni is baffling to me.

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Reasonable, intelligent people.

How do you know how old I was when I started my doctorate?

Agreed, thank you

Oh no, not at all.

oh i see. i’ve found if you inquire into why someone is saying the things they are, and are met with a valid response (even if it’s different from your own), that person would not be considered unintelligent nor unreasonable. my background at uni was in general sciences and philosophy though. the distinction Aristotle would make in Nicomachean Ethics is that when presented with a wrong action (response) is context dependent and also one needs to consider if it comes from involuntary action or non-voluntary action. a non-voluntary response would be one out of ignorance, which produces no feeling of regret or pain from the speaker because they are unaware they are even wrong. this can be righted however in most cases.

you’re 35 and your name is bill :wink:

that’s good. me neither.

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I have a couple of thoughts, but can you give an example of what you would call well-intentioned action in this area?

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absolutely. when someone says they prefer the term exploited rather than burnt out from work because it shifts the responsibility to the aspect of the individual rather than the difficult working conditions that led them to be in such a state. their intention is to change the narrative to awaken people to the fact that they have little benefits and are getting screwed (i’m talking about the us, i’m american). when someone rightly claims that lizard brain ideas behind transphobia are based on tired tropes of creepy male cross-dressers (see the films psycho and silence of the lambs, both great movies don’t get me wrong) their intention is to draw attention to how the media we consume focuses on the outlier rather than the vast majority to paint an entire demo of people as predatory and undeserving of rights. the true fact is, many trans women, particularly those who are afraid they don’t pass or know they don’t pass, avoid public restrooms all together or often put themselves in harms way in order to make cis women feel more comfortable.

i could go on. but yes there are well-intentioned people, those trying to cut through the bs and white noise to raise awareness of the real issues facing these groups. and in nearly every instance it’s best to get your information from actual members of these demos rather than elsewhere.

OK, but does that have anything to do with what some critics would call “cancel culture”? I’m trying to get to what you would think is a positive action, but might be criticized as “cancel culture” by some.

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It might be easy to choose one from this handy list I posted yesterday

well you asked about examples of well-intentioned things and i provided some. critics would call this “cancel culture”. they are the originators of the terminology and they are, as you said, critics.

and yes, it very much does have to do with cancel culture. the critics will say of the two well-intentioned examples i provided: (1) people need to toughen up and quit whining, their trying to cancel the idea of hard work (rather than recognize exploitation), and (2) now they’re trying to cancel biological sex (or some nonsense version argument which isn’t true).

the key is to control the narrative, putting the left on defensive when they are trying to do right by my marginalized groups and banging the drums of the culture war to bicker about nonsense. people should have equal rights period.

it’s like saying “traditional masculinity” is being cancelled because some left folk of all genders are saying, “hey, maybe just don’t be a creep and don’t put women in situations that exploit power dynamics. take responsibility”.

note when i’m talking about the left i’m talking leftists, not liberals or neoliberals (of which the line is blurring more everyday).

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skip to 11 minutes

fun fact, later someone tried unsuccessfully to #metoo cancel the host!

i don’t have time to finish it before work but ill finish it after. i haven’t got to pete’s part yet but i have an inkling on what his take will be. watching later will confirm or deny this. but yeah and i’m on board with the first two speakers. ridiculous that the host would try and get canceled for this but i haven’t seen it all yet tho so. i also like how the person to the right of the host expressed that even identities that aren’t largely observed such as intersex do deserve the equal recognition for what they are. likewise all the pronouns the host listed (except gender blender but i can guess at that one) i’ve heard, they all refer to a specific preference and indenity, so yeah i don’t see any problem here either.

good stuff thanks for sharing.

at the time i gave, you’ll hear a direct refutation of the thing i quoted, from the horses mouth (trans studies prof says no such thing as biological sex), it’ll take 1 minute because i’ve done the heavy lifting already for you #keeplearning

i don’t know what the woman’s reasoning was, probably nothing to do with this video

like i said i have an idea but i haven’t watched yet, i’d like to see the video in its entireity for proper context.

i’d say i disagree with this the prof on this one.

snarky but thanks i guess?

probably unrelated to video but again i’ll check it later. also this is an example of people going too far with it, which i’ve address already. this is not well-intentioned whatsoever,