Cancelling overseas package in EZ way

Hi! So a few days ago I ordered a few items in shopee from china. I cancelled them but the customs has been declared in the EZ way app. My first reaction is to deny it and stating that I’ve cancelled the orders in the explanatory box. After checking it a day later, it’s still there. There’s the denied tag but it still bothers me since when i click on the item, there’s still the option to deny and confirm goods. What should i do? Thanks in advance everyone :pray:

A very late update but it did got cancelled, i was just panicking for nothing

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Why panic at all? Was it something illegal?

From my experience, usually, if the good was actually sent and at customs, even if you ignore the EZ notification, it still will deliver.

I guess cancelling would just let them know it’s either not associated with you or don’t want it.

Might feel they might be on the hook to pay when they don’t intend to.