Sounds like my situation. I enjoyed everything about it but it just seemed like a stupid way to die, get sick later in life, etc. I exercised throughout most of my smoking years. I even ran a marathon as a smoker. One day my daughter saw me out on the patio smoking and asked what I was doing (she was two or three). That was the last bit of motivation I needed. I quit cold turkey.
Smokers who kick the habit
First, an article where smoking is referred to as a habit is probably not going to be very scientific and hence not worth reading if you ask me. Smoking is an addiction. An addiction is not a habit.
Second, mentioning cancer in relation to smoking might give smokers a reason to stop, but is not going to help them do it. If anything, it makes it more difficult. The need to smoke feels even greater when you a worried or scared as a smoker. Smokers don’t need to be reminded of why it’s bad to smoke.
I’ve became pretty skeptical of any medical study after learning a little about statistics. The full study is not available for free and based on the in last lines of the introduction, the report most likely misrepresent the study conclusions:
“Prior research has shown that smokers who start younger have greater mortality risk than those who start later, and quitting (especially at younger ages) substantially reduces that risk. However, the relevance of age at smoking initiation and cessation to cancer mortality in contemporary populations, particularly across the life course, is not well established”