Career advice: Taiwan vs USA

Just a suggestion, you could gently ramp up the pressure from your side, so that they don’t take you for granted:

  • update your linkedin profile
  • accept a couple of recruitment consultant invite
  • take some time off to “go to the dentist”

Your company has an office in Taipei right? But headquartered in US… Or would you be coming here to start an office?

I have shown actual offers and interview invitations to my direct supervisor (he is the one who brought me here) to pressure him. He has been doing a lot of pressuring for me, and of course I timed things perfectly with my brand new great product idea. They will probably offer 98,999 so they can feel they saved 1001 NTD, but what she mentioned is true, what about in 2-3 years, would I want to do this forever?

HQ is Taipei, We have offices in 4 other countries including the US. but the US office is mostly handling shipping and accounting. when I go to the US I usually go to customer’s sites and big distributors offices and events.

Are you single/married/kids? If single I think TW would be good for a few years if it offers the ability to then skip to US for a higher salary. Perhaps in your industry that may not be an issue. If you have kids then the international schools are not worth the price in TW…US has great public schools for free just live in a city with a good school.

This is a big thing I am thinking about for the long term. I went to an expensive international school in my home country, but in Taiwan there is no way I can afford that k-12 for potentially 2 kids. so in the US they would have a nice education but I am mostly interested in not having my kids as robots in a Taiwanese school coming back home at 10pm.

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So if I understand you are in a place where you cannot tell your boss that you expect yearly pay rise and the possibility of a promotion if you meet your objectives…

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I receive yearly pay raise, but I am asking for more than the usual. (I have a 5-6month baby, started to panic lol).

That’s not the reality unless you put them in buxibans. Parents choice. Public elementary school is just fine especially if you have a local spouse which makes it easier.

Take this offer to go to the US, run with it. Get over there and find a much higher paying job eventually. Kid will have more options later there too
One issue…Visas…I heard there are no visas being issued now. Am I incorrect ?

Another thing you can do is (and I think going to the US is better long-term ) go out on your own as a consultant /freelancer. I knew a guy was doing that for years easily cleared 200k NTD /mth, also some kind of industrial design engineer. Why don’t you do that now ?He worked on ODM/OEM and he just kept getting recommended and building his reputation .
That guy ended up moving back to Europe with his wife and kid (along with almost everybody I knew back then :neutral_face:).
You’ve already reached the limit of where you are at in this Taiwan job.

Sounds like you’ve already broken the ceiling for this position/company.

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I would not go during covid-19 times and they already are looking at the L-1A Visa.

I would love to do something like that, but have no idea how to get started. Ideally having my own gig, I would prefer to stay here over going to the US.

I’m not going to get a job at a bank. Being a semi government job it means taking tests in the type of Chinese I have zero knowledge of. It’s one of my big problem being in Taiwan, that either I am content with 28,000nt for the rest of my life, or become an entrepreneur and have a chance (however small) that I can break the 30,000nt barrier. It’s that or government jobs.

I am not sure what happens when I get old. I hear old people get treated badly if they don’t have social security in the form of children giving them money.

Man thats bleak, what do you do for 28k? Maybe you can start a YouTube channel

live paycheck to paycheck is all you can do while living like a monk and have zero social life. This is why I refuse to work those jobs.

Yea I’m getting a bit cynical :tired_face: Definitely agree, social life and support is so important. Unfortunately for me the “social life” of my work is a cause of mental distress so I see working remotely as a great option. But I can see both perspectives for sure.

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Then I suggest USA first and Taiwan later if you don’t like USA etc.

To me, this is the biggest issue :grin: You’re not the only one that’s doing the move, your wife would be too, and the “happy wife, happy life” adage is very appropriate here :slightly_smiling_face:

If you’re Taiwanese (or Chinese or Asian, in general), you don’t have a lot of choices in terms of where to live in the US. It’s always going to be really high cost of living places that have all sorts of quality of life issues.

Another example that many Taiwanese make less than 30,000

You really think any Forumosans will work this job unless they really love tea?

You will be expected to work about 10hrs a day, 6 days a week too.

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Minimum wage is being raised to 24k/mth soon, 160ntd an hour.