Case of missing Yunlin kids

Yes well sorry to say that the being home at 5pm in the west is also a pipedream and doesn’t happen.[/quote]

Yes unless you work for the government. Actually quite a lot of people work from home at least part of the week in the West. I myself get to see my kid a lot now even though I travel a lot too…because I work from a home office. It has it’s good and bad sides but teleworking is the way to go IMHO.

Taiwan society is sick at the moment. My wife has overheard other housewives complaining the kindergarten will not keep their kids until 10:00pm at night, they drop the kid off at 7:30am in the morning. A lot of people here have kids and dump them on the grandparents and in kindergartens and anqinbans. There are other mothers she has talked with that don’t have jobs but still leave their kids with full-time nannies and only seem them on weekends. So although a large part of neglect of children is economic circumstances there is also a significant part that is a lifestyle choice i.e. children were produced to satisfy the grandparents and the need for heirs but they are a nuisance at least when they are young.
I truly believe it is a sickness.