Cat of the Day 2021



This isn’t good at all…喵星人偷渡!海巡破獲走私俄羅斯藍貓等-250-隻品種貓-市價高達千萬-043317859.html

But at the same time I don’t like the pedigreed cat trade either… it’s a really disgusting business.

It’s terrible, and incredibly inhumane, but this is the way governments usually handle such matters.

I always tell people DONT GO BUYING PETS AT THE PET STORE. Because they are supporting a cruel trade as well as encouraging illegal practices such as smuggling of exotic animals. There are plenty of cats that need a good home. The amount of pedigreed pets I see disgusts me.

Not to mention these selectively bred pets often have issues due to the inbreeding often required to get them.

I often see online about how cats don’t keep rats away. I have a friend who bought a Russian Blue and she’s afraid of rats. I said the reason your cat don’t keep rats away is because you didn’t get a real cat. Mine absolutely kept rats away. My placed used to be a rat circus until the cat came. Now there is not a trace of rats anywhere. Any rat that happens to come in, well gets rejected by natural selection.

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The thing is that with semi lockdown, pet ownership went on the rise and hence, demand for cute, Instagram worthy pets. Few people want to help out the blind, the old, the paralyzed cats and dogs.

And those who go for looks or how boastable the pet is do not know enough to distinguish a fake or inbred. They just want the name and when problems start …out they go. To the mountains. Where they will be torn in half by illegal traps or die slowly of cold and hunger. But they were cute in FB and got many likes . .

Try explaining the fake paperwork and other dangers of illegal pets or if at least legal, the health issues most of these “prized races” have. It is like talking to a wall. Even with foreigners. Sigh

Before this, the associations were shocked by a “creature” that threw boiling water to a cat. Cat is in ICU, the associations are trying to charge the bipedal.

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Maybe throw him to a bigger cat…

No. No garbage should be fed to animals.


From the president herself:

Today, the result of having to euthanize smuggled animals under the epidemic prevention regulations is really very sad. In particular, many people also have furry children in their homes, and we feel the same way.

Because of the smuggler’s selfishness, everyone lost their lives. I want to express the most severe condemnation to the smugglers. The result of your personal gain and failure to follow legal procedures has caused loss of life! The act of treating lives as illegal goods is really distressing.

However, I also hope that everyone can understand that in order to protect domestic animals from the risk of epidemics caused by smuggling of animals, relevant units must implement it in accordance with the law. This is the current legal norm.

I know that everyone has a lot of dissatisfaction with this disposal. Obviously, we must review and refine this system. We must amend the law to enable law enforcement agencies to also consider and implement the law according to individual cases under the premise of strict epidemic prevention, which can be more in line with the humanitarian spirit and make the system more comprehensive.


What total effing BS. If the law isn’t working as intended, then fix the law. Of course the smugglers shouldn’t have done what they did, but don’t blame others for your own decisions.

It might seem a relatively trivial affair, in the grand scheme of things, but I reckon she’s going to lose a lot of votes over this.

As a follow up: vessel was also involved in smuggling cigarettes last year…

Government emphasizes the risk of rabies.

Remember vaccines in China, well, fake certificates, all that jazz. Again, the problem is the demand: idiots who buy pets as if they were LV bags.

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A tablet was placed in a Wanli temple to honor the poor souls of the innocent 154 cats that had to die because of human greed and stupidity.



Ship captain released on 60 thousand NTD bail. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Scuttlebutt from the associations: how about the buyer? Will they be charged? Doubt the law contemplates that…sigh…

Oh and the cats were going to be used for breeding. Of course.

Oh and the tablets: there are volunteers writing one by one for all deceased cats.

To lighten up:





My cat’s new cat tree. When I was planning the catification, I thought they would have no trouble getting up the TV shelf and then up to the sky walk, but my elder cat couldn’t consistently get on to the TV shelf. By having this tree, not she can get around confidently. They also love it as a scratching post, a play ground, and a place to nap.


from Cat - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

Verification and authentication

Cat verification

An alternate variation to the, “You’re a kitty!” method.

Or Catification , is the act of informing a Cat that it is, indeed, a Cat. This is typically performed by kneeling down near a resting (and soon-to-be-perturbed) Cat, petting it and saying: “You’re a kitty!” (A variation to kneeling is to pick up the Cat & stare deeply into its confused face.) Always follow up the verification declaration with other factual statements such as, “you’re cuddly,” “you have lots of kitty fur,” or “you’re my pretty kitty.” Warning: NEVER startle the Cat! Always speak in a soothing or singsong voice.

Frequent Cat Verification is clinically proven to be vital to a cat’s emotional and psychological development. In addition, without the constant reminder of its intrinsic nature the Cat may come to believe that it is a dog, blender, velociraptor, or communist.

Cat authentication

Or Authenti-Cation , is the act of revealing the Cat’s bar code. This task is accomplished by simply rubbing lemon juice on the animal whilst it’s held over the open flame of a candle. Once sufficiently warmed, a black light shone on (or near) the USB port will reveal the model and serial number.