Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Taipei, Best in Asia

According to one report

I’ve never been there and never heard one friend recommend it.

My Taiwan doctor, nurse, medical field friends say avoid Adventist which is frequently recommended to foreigners.

Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

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Most Taipei people know it I think. I had surgery at their (huge) Linkou branch once. Good experience


CGMH Linkou is very high quality.

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Taiwan has 3 hospitals in the world’s top 100 and 9 in the top 200.

Have been here more than any other hospital and I had good experiences there.

I haven’t had good experiences at the Chang Gung in Taipei. It’s the one in Linkou (actually Guishan) that has the good reputation.

That makes sense but the article doesn’t tell you anything unless click the link about the Professor and Vice Superintendent: Sherry Lai which leads to her Facebook page.

The Taipei branch is filthy and old and has scary florescent lights like some sort of horror film. Don’t get me started on the bathrooms. Also, if you go to a doctor and they don’t have any idea what’s wrong with you, like at any place in this country, you get prescribed a bunch of random antibiotics instead of just being told “I don’t know what’s wrong with you try someone else”.

That being said, there are some decent doctors there. But it’s not my first choice after being to a few other places (Taipei Adventist has a better atmosphere, which you need when you have to sit for hours on end, and is cheaper, at least, and has clean bathrooms)

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Ah yes, the hospital that left me sobbing in agony on a dirty bed in a busy hallway. The same top-tier hospital where I had to rip out the IV myself when the staff refused to let me leave for actual medical care. Such a great hospital!

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Why’s the review for CGMH so bad? I checked both the Taipei and Linkou branch.

I personally like Far East hospital. Very clean, modern, and great reviews:

I take a trip from Tamsui to Banqiao just to go to that hospital for checkups

But for serious issues I’d goto Singapore or HK and find an English speaking doctor with good track record. A good doctor at a good hospital in SG/HK is much better than a bad doctor at a great hospital in Taiwan.

I heard all kinds of horror stories from relatives. One friend of my family said their family member died because a Taipei doctor transfused incorrect blood type, which caused a reaction.

Even in the states I’d do a week or two of research into doctors and surgeons before I underwent any procedure (such as wisdom teeth removal). If you’re not able to do research and select the best doctors, you’re taking a gamble on your health.