Change Of Visa Status

Does anybody have new information on changing from a work arc to jfrv ?
I did read a long time ago this is quite simple and straight forward, just wondering if anybody has up todate info plesae, thanks.

How far are you on your work ARC? It might be worth it to wait for your APRC than resetting the clock.

If you’re more than three years in. It’s not worth it and APRCs acquired from marriage have more restrictions.

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Hi, not sure what you are talking about, does it reflect any info on my question ?

Hi, Its only around 6 months, so nothing to worry about. Do you actually know how to change the “status”, as I previously asked , thanks.

Yes, they talked about changing from work based ARC to marriage based ARC in Taiwan.

A year ago isn’t a long time ago, imo.

any update on this please let me know thanks

She means that there hasn’t been any changes.

When you have some time could you elaborate on that? Im interested as when divorced lost a lot of perks with the marriage visa. Would like to get read up on this as i hope to go to court over a couple things the gov did to me but still in planning/ignorant stages.

You go to immigration and show your papers of joining.the family (eg. Marriage paperwork) and they set you up. Aside from resetting the clock as mentioned, the process is fairly painless unless its a fake marriage and they find out.

Hi, thanks. is it just simple ?? no need to get extra paper work just they will change the status automatically. No medical test or police check required??

Its simple yes, there is also a bunch of paperwork obviously. But it isnt nearly as frustrating as before and everything goes pretty smoothly. I dont want to give advice on legal matters on visas as the laws seem to change a lot recently and i am going by various friends experiences in the past few years. I didnt get my visa this way so can only really comment from experience on the business side not so much the hiring a foreigner side.

those are for visa or work permit, not for ARC, iiuc.

You may check official instruction.

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