Changing internet plan (CHT)

Maybe someone went through similar situaton, so I don’t have to deal with calling their service line.

We finally got fiber cables laid to our home (took them only 6 months for 20 meters and lying for 5 years that it is not available at our location). Now I want to change our plan from DSL to fiber.
My wife contacted CHT and they told her they need to cancel our current contract which includes large cancellation fee and make a new contract for fiber.
Is there really no option to change plans (upgrade) mid contract? I don’t even care if the 12 month contract will start again. We are not changing providers, just want to change to fiber.
This was not a problem in Germany.



There are rules @slawa and we need to follow the rules. It doesn’t matter that the rules are to the detriment to the profit-seeker. Boss made the rules when he woke up one day driving his BMW to work isolated from the rest of society and goddammit he’s the boss and employees should know their place!

Employee is going to meibanfa you all the way to hell because losing revenue/customers is better than the boss finding out you took decisive action.


They will make more money with a more expensive contract that I want to get now. But they make me wait until my contract expires, making less in the meanwhile. That’s an interesting business strategy.
Is it possible to use the existing fiber line with other providers? I might change from CHT after the contract expires just to spite them.

You know that, I know that, we know that, but the Taiwanese don’t know that. They just don’t care. The bosses make shit on a whim, and the employees don’t get paid more or recognised for the extra work.

It’s not just phones. It’s everything. Product out of stock? Not even a finger lifted to try to keep you or try to see if you would wait to order a product. I had to literally yell at a manager at a store to get the product I needed because they kept telling me go somewhere else when they were the official dealer. Want to go somewhere else? They’re likely to do the same shit anyways so it’s often useless. There aren’t enough thirsty people here. Do you think Tstar cares that foreigners are using Chunghwa and TW Mobile? No, those dirty foreigners are untrustworthy.

There isn’t traditionally a culture of standing up for others here. People aren’t willing or able to say hey boss, what about foreigner numbers? Hey boss, this customer wants to pay us more money, we should make an exception for them. The younger people are more cognisant, but this will take one or two generations to fully root out this culture of apathy.

None of the phone operators even have a retentions team.

Fareastone is an MVNO.

You should consider going to one of their stand-alone locations to discuss options. Most likely they will stick by the cancellation policy, but if the new contract and monthly cost is higher you might get a person that is getting a commission & authority to waive the fee.

My wife was 3 months from the end of a phone/4G contract and just wanted to find out about 5G and she was pleasantly surprised they were willing cancel the current contract without fees right there on the spot if she was willing to sign up for a new 12 month 5G contract. Maybe phone contracts are easier to do versus internet plans, but if you live close to an actual CHT location I think it’s worth the time to ask.

CHT has had a special promotion offering no cancelation fees upon upgrade to 5g for the past 3 years now.


The time has come and I ascended in my internet connectivity. Finally no more DSL.



What did you get?

FTTH. CHT finally hooked our house to the box outside.
Currently just using the 300/300 tariff.

Will look into alternative providers. We don’t use MOD and just need internet.

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I would get the Taiwan Mobile one if available. It’s a good phone/internet combo.

Don’t they use cable / coax for internet instead of fiber? Or do they also offer fiber?

How much are you paying? Last time I checked, that one was over $1000 per month… :neutral_face:

Cable. But speed is speed IMO. And the price is good.

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I’ve had bad experiences with dropping VOIP calls when using cable unfortunately - hasn’t happened to me since switching to HiNet.

I make VOIP calls on mine. No issues here.

I take the much faster upload (7.5x) for 200ND more. But don’t need more speed beyond 300/300

They also have this :grin:

Maximum rate (download/upload) bps 2G/1G home type 2G/1G advanced type
Monthly rental fee (yuan) $3,069 $5,299
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Why not tether a 5g account from a cell phone? One thing with hinet, you actually get the speeds you pay for as advertised. I still have one of the cheapest 5g plans but not bothered about the upload speed as not sending stuff out from my phone.

A problem with cellular Internet is that you have no control over the connection as the routing equipment is far away. Providers also set up firewalls closing all ports. It’s fine if you want to do normal Internet stuff… but if one needs control for let’s say a home lab or a server or some types of netplay, it’s difficult if not impossible.

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It’s fine as long as it’s normal downloading and such. If it’s to run home servers and such this will likely be an issue.

Another issue is how good is cell signal if your house? Some house has very bad signal.

Well most servers need a fixed IP line. Hinet gives every account a free fixed IP line on their internet accounts.

So I don’t use a cell phone for that.