Cheap Criminal Lawyers in Taipei

The argument took place just outside the taxi though. It was outside a 7/11 and there is a camera. However, it was such a long time ago that the footage won’t be available unless the police collected it at the time. I don’t know if they did or not.

And you didnt record it when it became apparent that shit was hitting the fan?

Well the lawyer can go and challenge those hospital results if they even exist lol.

I had the guy bump into me on camera too. Cops told me it’s not really much to prosecute with.

Lawyer’s the best way to help. Maybe get a payout from him.

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I think this is excellent advice. The more work you do on your own, in building, software, law, the more costs go down.

My name is radioactive mud in this town… so I have nothing to defend. Nothing. OP, however, may be a different story.

OP, at the risk of drawing jeers from the peanut gallery, I humbly suggest you watch as many videos related to your type of case as possible. Legal specifics are important, for sure… but so is getting a feel for Law…

Watch some small claims judges in action. Watch who wins… watch who swings the judge to their favour… watch who loses. Every 10 minute video you consume gets you more protective knowledge.

For all the vertiginous swirlings of the legal system… .one piece of advice stood out:

“Make sure the Judge likes you.”

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I would hedge a bet if it is going to court, there is footage.
You must have reacted to something he said? I know it is a stretch, but would there have been audio with the camera?
Were there any witnesses?

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Yeah, its lame the way they call the police over a broken nail.

Pathetic, even…

They also excel at doing just-under-the-radar provocations, so the foreigner makes the first move, and looks bad.

I have about one Laowai meltdown per year. Being from the UK, I take extra care to take a step back as I am berating them in HSK4 language.

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It was about 1 in the morning so not really. There were the people in 7/11 but they wouldn’t have seen anything. Again, there wasn’t really much to see. I basically just nudged him on the shoulder (at least that is my recollection). I should reiterate though that I was drunk, so my account may not be entirely accurate. But there certainly was t a physical fight, and I was trying to walk away from him when he called the w police and told me to stay.

When the police arrived, did you make a statement to the police? What did you admit to doing?
Did you go to the police station/precinct?
Did the driver speak English?
Did the police speak to you in English?

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So the entire case hinges on what constitutes a ‘nudge’.

With you trying to convince the judge it was the softest feather…

Him, that it hurt the feelings of Taiwanese people, and he has hospital bills to pay.

At least we know the axis of this case now.

Surely he cannot reasonably claim that a small push has caused him pain and injury though? What would he have to prove?

They spoke in English to me but it was quite limited. I explained what had happened as honestly as I could. I never went to the police station and they told me to go home. I thought it was all over until I got the prosecutors letter months later.

Do police have body cameras in Taiwan?

You’re thinking like a westerner.

You need to think like a Taiwanese. CHA CHING!

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You really shouldn’t talk to the police without a lawyer’s blessing. Can incriminate yourself in a situation by mistake.

Doesn’t mean that he is prevented from going to the police station to press charges.


That’s the key, right?

He has to play it up as much as possible, you have to downplay it.

One man’s nudge is another man’s shoulder barge. One man’s scratch is another’s scar.

This may be how the onlooker perceives your case.

May I ask how he provoked you? They have a million subtle methods.

How did you end up in the 7-11 with this guy? I assume he was your Uber driver before?

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See above.

I was quoted double that, IIRC.

So, it sounds like you are being sued? You should have a few meetings before things proceed to try and work it out. I understand why you want a lawyer, but from your vague descriptions you don’t sound like you are in a great place to “win” regardless.

Foreigner vs Taiwanese, you were drunk he wasn’t, you definitely put your hands on him, there is definitely footage from somewhere.

I’ve been sued before for damaging another person’s property while they weren’t present. We met at mediation, talked a bit. I apologized since I knew I was in the wrong and asked what they wanted to do. They just wanted me to pay for fixing the damage. Gave him money on the spot (came prepared with like 10k in cash to make this problem go away. It was much cheaper like 4k~, so I just gave him 5k and said thanks for being reasonable and sorry for wasting his time), we both signed a paper saying it was all good and went on with our lives.

Best case scenario, the dude just wants you to pay for a hospital visit and maybe claim loss of income for that time. Who knows? I’d just go to the mediation, figure out what he even wants and discuss how to get past it. He just wants money and for you to apologize, and if that gets you out of there without a criminal record just pay whatever. Think of it this way, if a lawyer wants 40k to go with you just be willing to pay up to 40k to that guy to make him agree to drop it and move on with your lives.


This sounds like excellent advice.

I ain’t a lawyer, but I’ve heard lawyers advise over and over and over on different sites, if you have a potential legal issue, keep your mouth shut online, even if you think it’s anonymous.

Like if OP had kept his mouth shut rather than telling his story, he wouldn’t be on the record admitting to touching the driver AND saying “Not really no” to whether the driver did anything to him.

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Well, there is that…

And that is solid advice.

But there is a counter-point…

The more he talks, the more the assembly can assist, and offer legal non-advice.