Cheating and Forgiveness

[quote=“SuchAFob”]I think this should be separate from the thread below. But here is the other half of the question (that she didn’t ask) and it is:
Is it POSSIBLE to forgive someone for cheating?
I don’t think it is.
I think you cannot trust someone after that. And I don’t think it is possible to love or respect someone you can’t trust. But you often see girls or guys who stay with someone after the affair. So how does that work?
One of my best friends says he thinks his wife had one on him a long time ago. But he stayed with her. One of my coworkers and her man cheated on each other this year and are still together. I don’t see how this is possible. I would want to follow him around and read his cell phone and know what was going on every second to make sure he wasn’t still doing it.
So how does forgiveness work in this situation?[/quote]
It is possible to forgive someone for cheating. However difficult it might be it is possible to forgive and stay with your spouse.
I think people can change and become better and improve themselves.
If the husband or wife are honestly regretting their misdeeds and pledge to change and make up for the damage (and I am not talking sexually) then the relationship can continue and even be stronger as a result.

Wow, that Tim Buckley song is … epic. Anyways, this is an interesting question. I suppose ultimately I wish I ccould forgive someone who cheated on me. I admire those who can turn the other cheek and let their love conquer their doubts and wash away the pain. I am familiar with the nature/nuture debate and the ‘You and me baby ain’t nothin’ but mamals, so let’s do it like they do on the Discovery channel’ (Blood Hound Gang, check it out Buckley lover) evolutionary determinist lines.

But, I can’t really beleive all this.

I know I am naieve but I really thought we were special, unique, naughty Disney. Now I am a jaded man in my twenties, and yes my relationship passed the arbitrary 8 year vintage.

Anyways, I suppose we can’t generalize as ever relationship is different, but for me. You got one shot, take it or walk away.

Oh, and about the Taiwanese girl getting ‘too drunk’. That was just so she wouldn’t have to take responsibility and own her actions. She knows the truth herself.