Chen Shui-bian -- the man

Congratulations to Taiwan, democracy has proven that it is not a joke, not here, not today, not today. Though it seems hard to believe given all that has been said and done inside of Taiwan and out, the right thing got done in the end.

On top of it all, the firebrand Chen, the raving loonie with the wacky hairdo, the devious conniver, who was going to unleash the storms of hell on us, has shown again his moderation, which is all he has ever done.

Whatever happens from now on, this day i will remember. Well done!

Well Said DaltonGang… Gong Xi Chen Zhong Tong!

Back in 2000 Chen had those ads showing all his family in Taiwan and how much he loves Taiwan as proof he would never do anything to bring harm to the people living here as those people are his family and his exteneded family and live in the land that he loves. This ad was of course in response to the fear mongering rumors that if Chen was elected president back in 2000 there would surely be war with the PRC.

President Chen simply loves Taiwan and is not some crazy man. I don’t think he would ever push things too far with the PRC.

Moreover, all on this board claiming that the DPP and the President are leading Taiwan down dangerous paths, can simply made to be shut up by replies consisting of qoutes from his inaguration speech.

Yes, well, Chen also promised last time not to fan the flames of ethnic tension. We are all Taiwanese, he said (except when it comes to winning the election in which case all children born of at least one Mainland Chinese parent - who came to Taiwan in the last fifty years, as having parents come over 100 years ago, well, now that IS different - can just go to hell as you are not Taiwanese).

I’m glad Chen won the election, but let’s not deify the slimeball. :unamused:

[quote=“Mucha (Muzha) Man”]Yes, well, Chen also promised last time not to fan the flames of ethnic tension. We are all Taiwanese, he said (except when it comes to winning the election in which case all children born of at least one Mainland Chinese parent - who came to Taiwan in the last fifty years, as having parents come over 100 years ago, well, now that IS different - can just go to hell as you are not Taiwanese).

I’m glad Chen won the election, but let’s not deify the slimeball. :unamused:[/quote]

What exactly did Chen say which got to your tits?

Reading too much China Post?

Nor has he. Mainlanders live in perpetual victimdom because those who manipulate them prefer it that way. There is no “ethnic” tension in Taiwan, because the mainlanders are not an “ethnic” group but an artificially constructed political identity whose purpose is to get mainlanders to buy into their own exploitation. The purpose of the whole concept of “ethnic tension” is to silence the growth of an independent Taiwanese political consciousness.

Documentation, please.

In a country where there are 40,000 statues of that supreme butcher Chiang Kai-shek, admiration of Chen can hardly be described as “deification.”


Strong words. I’m not suggesting a deification but I would like to know what exactly Chen has done to deserve the insult above.

Exactly! Some people like Mucha Man, they just don’t get it.

I am also very interested as to where/when Chen is supposed to have said this. Please be specific.