Child born overseas - documentation


Here’s my situation. Wife is Taiwanese. I’m British. Child born in southern European country (I’m not sure if the country is relevant, and I’d prefer not to add too many personal details).

Birth Certificate of the child states that my wife was born in People’s Republic of China. When we try to correct this (she was born in Taiwan / Republic of China / Chinese Taipei), we get the response that on the computer there is only one option - People’s Republic of China, that Taiwan is a province of China, and that this southern European country does not recognise Taiwan as a country.

This creates a problem. The Taiwan affairs office in this country will not legalise the birth certificate with it stating PRC. Without the legalisation from the Taiwan affairs office, the baby cannot become Taiwanese - as the birth certificate won’t be processed by the Taiwan authorities.

Has anyone encountered a similar situation? Was there any solution? Any advice?

Your wife can apply at her local household registration office for a document stating she was born in Taiwan with her Hukou and Taiwan ID number.

Yes, but the birth certificate of the child will still state that my wife was born in the PRC.

The Household Registration will state where she was born in Taiwan. Is there a TECO office in the country your child was born in? I understand you privacy reasons but naming the country of birth would help. I had a friend having issues in Malta but things got resolved. Malta does not recognize Taiwan.

There is a TECO. They have been fairly helpful, but they have their position, and the country (Portugal) has its position. We seem stuck in the middle. The TECO advised is to go back the registration office and try to get the country of birth of my wife changed, or a remark added that my wife has Taiwanese nationality. The registration office also tried to be helpful, but my feeling was that their hands were tied by decisions much higher up.

Whatever documents your wife has that proves she is Taiwanese, or born in Taiwan, should trump whatever it says on your child’s birth certificate. Your wife’s own birth certificate and ID are more accurate, and should be considered gospel. You should be able to submit those.

Even if your wife was born in China (or Ghana, or Nigeria, or Canada), your son is still Taiwanese because your wife was a Taiwanese citizen at the time of his birth. (Your wife could be a China-born Taiwanese, no? So why does her birthplace matter?)

your child should not be the first baby born in the country with a taiwanese parent. did you ask around taiwanese community there?

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