China bans independent tourism to Taiwan

I just skipped that, and tones too :smiley:

this should be nothing more than confirmation that china doesn’t play fairly, so don’t play with them at all. no matter who you are.

after all these shenanigans a headline like ‘china un-bans tourism to taiwan’ is going to be nothing to rejoice about…to anyone with half a brain that is.

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A movie cliché. Not even in the old country have I seen them do that. Tabasco on Cantonese rice is the worst sin I have witnessed.

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It was never un-banned to begin with though. The independent tourism was only ever available to a minority.

Ive seen it many times when they ask the waiter and the waiter looks confused and then looks in distress witnessing them do this. The customers then return the confusion realizing this is not a thing.

Like where did this start? Who made it a thing to pour soy sauce on rice?

yea i was talking about a potential future headline. if korea fish gets in power and china reverse this ban. the korea fish fans will be rejoicing.


yea no doubt.

But its not a ban. Its a removal of something that was offered to some - not all - Chinese citizens. For most Chinese the option for independent tourism to Taiwan was never there in the first place.

It would be nice if it came back as a general right for all citizens, but that is hardly likely.

I think I would prefer a limit on these tours since they only go to certain places and deal with certain restaurants and hotels.

And instead open it to independent tourism for people. The money is more likely to end up to the average local in retail, restaurants, and hotels.

Cooking Cantonese -fried- rice? The Joy Luck Club movie? It is definitely a US thing.

I’ve seen Canadians do it as well. So I guess it’s a NA thing.

Yea more independent tourism and less tour groups would be much better for Taiwan

That’s exactly the problem. If Taiwan voters really want to assert their independence and self-determination, sacrifices must be made. Suching as financial pain or being ready to send your kids/family members to war. But they’re not willing to do those things. They don’t want closer ties to Red China but aren’t willing to pay the price of doing the opposite either. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, and spinning in circles in the meantime.

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Someone did it on tv…And it stuck. I mean, you usually eat rice with some saucy meat and vegetables combo in those fake, sorry, adapted so called Cantonese/Chinese food establishments abroad. Why add soy sauce to rice if you are not eating rice by itself?

Maybe it is an extension of adding soy sauce to sushi, but even then it’s wrong, wrong.

Getting back on topic, I am curious to see the opinion polls after this ban sets in.

It is all Tsai Ing-wen’s fault. As usual.

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Is she campaigning? I’m in Taiwan so I don’t know what’s happening. She really isn’t good at it. Her predecessor loved it.

He smuggled stuff out, not in.

She is not campaigning yet. 2020 election is close by, though.

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I have only ever seen my taiwanese friends add soy sauce to rice. Its common, at least down south. I swear msg, nitrates and sugars are their main 3 food groups…


I put soy sauce on my Ding Tai Fong bought rice and the Taiwanese at my table all gasped. You ruined the rice they said

I will do my best to pimp Taiwan as a tourist destination to my fellow Americans.

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