China has defeated poverty

Sounds like the Biden administration has done the same. 2021 has been amazing! Congrats to humankind

How so? By printing money? Fiat monolopy dollars for all, hurrah!

Uh, what? AFAIK you can move anywhere you want in the US, without needing permission from the authorities in the place you move to- whether it’s for work, residence, or schooling.

Correct me if i am wrong, but above post is likely talking about printing money from nothing which is exactly another way of faking obes economy. Not unique to Biden though, the US has done this a lot, and a key reason it isnt a stable bet anymore. Even with a mass war machine.

I dont think anyone disagrees the US and China are both shitholes, but one is still clearly better than the other in nearly every metric. Except population.

Sorry, I thought that was pretty obviously sarcasm on my end.

That’s not quite possible, you need cotton and trees.

and your chicks for free

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Is there any non-fiat currency in use anymore? Ah, for the days when you had to trade bowls of barley or a cow- something of real value- to buy anything.
Are there any

Probably not, at least on any kind of scale. But some are more stable than others. The US knows its slitting its own throat by printing “value” from “nothing”. Dangerous game that, so far, has never lasted long term. Considering the death toll involved in human history might be the time we start practicing what w e preach: that we are an intelligent species.

@Belgian_Pie true we do need metals and fibers for cash. Digital currencies will soon be rid of the constant nuisances of people having freedom and being able to be independant in many ways financially. When countries go cashless, the clock will have hit the point of no return.

It’s to battle fraud! Belgium and the Netherlands are quite different, 60% in Belgium uses cash, the Netherlands only 36%. Now the Belgian government wants people to use less cash to ‘combat fraud’.

The interest rate on a 30-year US Treasury bond is 2.24%, so a lot of people don’t seem to think the US is slitting its own throat

I sincerely hope you dont actually believe that.

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Sure I do, every electronic payment is logged, cash is anonymous.

And how do you suppose that combats fraud?

It’s more to do with making sure that law-abiding citizens are taxed to the hilt. Criminals, by definition, find workarounds.

Ever heard about ‘tax fraud’? Done by not really criminals.

In some countries tax fraud is the only thing that prevents the economy dropping into a big smoking hole in the ground. The war between people earning a living, and governments determined to deprive them of it, is not likely to end in a truce anytime soon.

In the UK it’s possible to earn more jail time for VAT evasion than for GBH. I think that speaks volumes about the importance of keeping governments on a short leash.

Many countries no demand electronic payment, bank transfer only, for items over I think 3,000 Euros.

Ok. Some points to consider however:

  1. Not all fraud is commited by low level individuals.

1.1 think credit card fraud, stock market, governments and inflation etc etc. I would rather 1 million low level fraud cases over 100 nations commitig fraud to their entire population…

Digital currency doesnt combat fraud. What it does do, absolutely, is create total power over exchanges and personal freedom of every individual under their jurisdiction. We can talk much more on this point if you are interested, however the history, current situation and predictbly future generations are quite cl early laid out. It will be far more opressed by a single controlling entity being able to turn off the switch to your finances compared to the scattered fraud cases affecting people directly now by scammers.

  1. Look at USA (Forget about places like china where they brag at the UN and ither summits about oppression and gain more business while doing so), people are jailed for very petty circumstances (i refuse to call traffic tickets and the like a crime!). The only reason some of these poor people can get out of trouble is cash. If the feds seize your babnk account during the investigation, regardless of innocence, you cant pay lawyers etc. This is already common knowledge and insanely worrisome. Physical currency is required, and the government doesnt accept payment in seashells or rice. Terrible fucking idea, spend the resources on tackling tyrants. Corruption is a real.problem to this end goal, And it is at species level. If not Kindom of life level.

  2. Both physical and digital should be available. And they already are. bank accounts are already digital currencies. Coupled with online everything and credit cards. So its already here. The worry isnt a convenient way to pay, the worry is society doing away with a physical standardized currency. Think gold standards, or bank acts. If you lend based on 10 units of gold or dollars but you only have 1 unit to back it up, this is what creates a massive problem that so far has/is only solved by murder (war). Making things digital will almost certainly follow these lines of manipulation based on nothing physical. They already have for a couple decades… quite frankly, even cash is already hollow but making it digital, ie you cant actually hold a rainy day, will make it even more irrelevant in real life terms.

The people that disagree with me now, if you are still alive in 50 years i expect your apology in writing, with compounded digital styled interest…if you think forfeiting the last right of freedoms that we actually have, for absolute loss of choice and total obedience towards a system you have no control over…i have no words. its an insanely moronic idea. This is specifically the fear in our retarded collective cultures that makes things like gold spike now. Smart people with means, preparing as we always have throughout history. Proof positive we have never evolved much past cave men, egyptians, mayan, roman, british or whatever great power you hold dear. They all failed failed in the exact same ways we are now (environment and corruption) Interestingly, we know the cycle know and still copy it as if its a great idea.

Star trek got it wrong, they never expected ignorant monkeys to become the borg. and yet we are doing it real time. Fascinating.


How so? That is the multiplier, and has been in effect since the first Sumerian temple lent out a couple of oxen to pull a plough on spec on next year’s barley harvest.

The difference is now the government is going toward the direction of digital currency. It would be comparative in your example as the oxen are a promise of an oxen on a universal paper that may or may not be hacked and you have no control over disputing your ownership over said currency. If you say the wrong thing, they can easily discredit your oxen paper in a way where you have zero word or audience to hear your case. Rug slipped out from under you. This has happened numerous times, whats amazing now is how universal and instant it has become. Just imagine all the people throughot history that have stood up against oppression, without money/currency/valuable trade items it would be insanely difficult to have a voice. Making value a digital controlled item by a select few is the ultimate goal of anyone with sellfish intentions.

What worries many is that too many people have somehow convinced themselves to think a government, or some other controlling force (eg. Religions), is worthy of completely controlling not only our standardized monetary value system and ar ok with them being able to take it all away without notice, but that they should also have avsolute power over law and freedoms. At the very least, we should have at least a means to be able to defend ourselves. Digitizing currency or more accurately the disposal of physical currency, handicaps anyones fight for freedom against whichever power controls the servers.

This is exactly why certain physical trade commodities have surged, namely gold and silver. nothing new, the future domination of earth psychosis. But it has always collapsed and people instinctively know this hence the hiarding that we see happening real time. Somehow the evil geniuses made buying gold into a fiat paper bullshit commodity via governments and banks and even that is fake. Its so bad it isnt even cool as a movie anymore…