China Post Revises History, Again?

Today’s edition, back page

“Transportation Ministry under fire for bus mishap”

“…five Hong Kong tourists killed…and 32 tourists from the
British crown colony


[quote=“pjdrib”]Today’s edition, back page “Transportation Ministry under fire for bus mishap”

“…five Hong Kong tourists killed…and 32 tourists from the
British crown colony
…” :loco:[/quote]
:bravo: that’s an absolute classic!

i’ve noticed also that on the back page now every day there’s a kind of flip off-beat piece written by some dickhead who thinks they know hip english. filled with wonderfully inappropriate slang usage…

i must say entertainment wise you can’t best the CP…

I should think like an old KMT member:
Formosa = Republic of China therefore Hong Kong is still a British possession!

All 3 suck. But…CP has the best funnies, although Taiwan News has Calvin & Hobbes. So…every morning I waste NT$30 on those two. And bitch and laugh the rest of the morning.

They do truly suck.

but taiwan cowboy, sam waterson who does the calvin strip, he stopped drawing cartoons three years ago. that strip is dead. you are reading old re-runs. they were published 5 years ago or more.

do a google search for the artist behind calvin and you will see he stopped drawing it long ago. the taiwan news is putting one over on its readers, without even telling them.

and dave barry is going to stop writing his sunday column on january 1, 2005. maybe the news will start re-running his old columns. in fact, the taiwan news could be the ‘‘re-run news’’ the way it runs things.