China spy machine floats over the US (and Canada)

What’s the resolution again? and that’s DISREGARDING important constraints derived from factors that their technology can’t do anything about.

They also wasted one $400,000 sidewinder. The first one missed and they dont know where it ended up. The second hit and reduced the object to shrapnel. No recovery possible.

Don’t know for sure, but it’s widely reported the keyhole satellites are believed to be running hubble telescope sized (2.4m) mirrors with a max theoretical resolution of ~6cm.

Kind of hard to believe that.

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How would a US balloon even get to China?

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take off from Tajikistan or similar, winds at 12,000 meters are shown on this map:

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Floating, through the air

The same way a Chinese balloon gets to the US

It would be quite a trick for the US to be launching 200 feet tall balloons over Central Asia without anyone seeing them or causing commercial air traffic hazards as they lofted above 40,000 feet.

By traveling to the east on the prevailing high altitude winds?

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Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have called for greater transparency and for Biden to explain the military’s rationale for the multiple shoot-downs and the policy moving forward.

Biden added in his address that his team will be creating parameters to deal with aerial objects. He said these parameters will be shared with Congress when completed, but will remain classified so that “we don’t give a road map to our enemies to try to evade our defenses.”

good thing the US is not being apologist. I’m so sick of the CCP screaming about how “unfairly” they’re being treated and how “racist” people are against them when they do things that, taking race out of the equation, are totally unacceptable, always, yet enough Americans are brainwashed on ticktock to help the CCP cry about it

Hey there is a whole thread dedicated to that!


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sweet selfie taken from the u-2 taking a looksie at the balloon.

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So… any interesting findings after collecting the many pieces?

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I’ll go with yes. Biden isn’t the only story the media will forget to remember.

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Strictly need to know basis. And if you have to ask, you’re not on the list.

Leaked secret documents detail up to four additional Chinese spy balloons


Synthetic aperture radar, or SAR, sends pulses of microwaves at the Earth to create images. Unlike traditional optical sensors, this allows SAR to return images at night and to penetrate clouds, smoke, topsoil, ice and snow. SAR has also been shown to penetrate thin materials, including tarps, revealing objects beneath.

The amount of power the Chinese balloon could generate was “humongous,” said Paul Byrne, an associate professor at Washington University in St. Louis and a specialist in remote sensing. It was about 100 times that generated by balloons such as Google’s Loon, which provides internet service, and nearly twice that generated by some orbital SAR satellites.


Hey! We can spy, too!

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