China to deport foreign students/refugees before Olympics

Wonder how many will just come to Taiwan to study.

Beijing - China plans to order all foreign students to leave the country before the Olympic Games in August, strictly regulate the issuing of business and tourist visas, and deport refugees, sources said on Thursday. … ature.html

guess all other countries in the world are free to reciprocate, then.

They need the dorms for all the displaced people in Beijing and other cities …

Can’t do that – it would be racist or xenophobic or Western imperialist or something, wouldn’t it?

Somewhere, deep in the bowels of Beijing (ow!), there’s a Western PR advisor tearing his hair out for like, the hundreth time.

WTF? Hey CCP dudes, its just the freaking Olympics. Its not like some sort of national emergency.


Totally OTT. Perhaps a show of power? Or trying to keep the guests uneasy - shifting sands, ya know…

There’s still a chance that sick chickens and civit cats could really get things stirred up.
Imagine the Bird’s Nest being transformed into a massive quarantine station :slight_smile:

Well I guess this answers the question in another thread of whether to study in China or Taiwan…

Wasn’t there some kind murmuring about incentives to improve human rights when the Olympic committee awarded this year’s Olympics to Beijing? I’m not sure where killing all the pet cats and purging all the big noses fits with those incentives, and I can’t understand why they want all the non-yellow people outta there–don’t they realize that many thousands of people of every color, not just overseas Chinese, will pour into Beijing anyway?

maybe they think that only the students are the trouble makers…

undoubtedly, there are many that make up that cohort overseas, but i figure the students going to china might actually be the most pro-china foreigners of them all.

They are. Most of them just walk around in a daze going “China is fab”. I’d keep them and throw the likes of me out.

According to what I read, this story was originally reported by German media and then picked up by other media outlets. It seems Chinese officials deny this is the case. … 005209.htm

Yeah, the Foreign Minister said on the 18th that they were still issuing F visas in Hong Kong. Which is simply not true.