China to "resolve Taiwan problem" by 2020

They haven’t set a date yet.

The new thread title will clearly be China to ‘resolve Taiwan problem’ whenever they get to it.

After 31 December.

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Wish we were strong and able enough and the world ballsy enough to finally say ”When Taiwan will resolve the China problem”. Have had enough waiting around for eventual capitulation.

I used to work for an organization that had roots in SEATO, which was defunct long before this prediction. Of course, Japan and others are protected by missiles recently placed in Korea, but American Navy ships have probably been providing this for some time already, so that’s also not a great prediction. There was a recent flutter in the news about how China’s military had advanced more in quantity and quality than expected, but as you note the harmony hasn’t changed much…

Coming down to the wire. Has China fixed Taiwan yet?

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How many “China will destroy Taiwan” threads do we need? 5?


The proper question in 2022 is when the “China problem” will finally get resolved.

The world awaits . . .


By 2040. :dotted_line_face: