China unlikely to resolve Taiwan problem

In the case of Taiwan, it is a non sovereign country, and does not have recognition.

Oh you guys wanted to use the sovereignity issue to gain access to the UN. Then you’re wasting your time. Taiwan ROC needs to have the influence and potential of the PRC for that to occur. For that to happen, ROC either is going to have to conquer a few small nations in our region, or wait for the PRC collapse.

[quote]My ulterior point was that these countries had trouble getting international recognition for the simple reason that their governments were/are reprehensible[/quote].

Andorra didnt become a member of the UN until 1992. Switzerland didnt get a permanent seat until 2002. Neither country would hardly be classified as reprehensible. Taiwan is outside of the UN due solely to pressure by Beijing on other countries.

Have you seen those sweaters? Have you smelt that cheese!! :astonished:

Good Point!!

Kind of off topic.

But in conclusion ROC has sovereignty over the island of Taiwan. In fact, even the DPP like participating in the ROC government. The DPP president swears in under the picture of Guo Fu, Dr. Sun and sings the ROC anthem just like everybody else.

Yes even with a change of party leadership the ROC is still around ruling the island of Taiwan.

You havent backed this up with treaties. All youve done is reinforce another poster`s assertion that the ROC has only effective territorial control and that neither China has a legal claim to Taiwan.


As I mentioned before the treaty with names the exact Chinese entity doesn’t exist for the mere fact that China was going through a civil war at the time. But it is quite obvious the Japanese surrendered the island to CKS and not Chairman Mao.


Not that it has anything to do with the topic, but the Chinese civil war didn`t officially start until after the truce between the two sides fell apart in the spring of 1946.

As another poster correctly pointed out CKS accepted surrender on behalf of the US military. No treaty=not legally Chinese.


Most people believe the Civil War started in 1929 when KMT purged the CCP out of the ROC. Yeah there was a truce, but it can be argued the 2nd united front was obtained under extreme duress on CKS part. The man was literally kidnapped.

Tell your “not legally Chinese” theory to CSB. He’s a Han Chinese and he’ll laugh in your face if you’re trying to tell him he has no authority in Taiwan, right before deporting you of course. He’s a lawyer to boot.

[quote=“ac_dropout”] right before deporting you of course. He’s a lawyer to boot.[/quote]A maritime shipping lawyer

Thank God. As long as he is not one of those annoying IP lawyers. :wink:

The key is as a previous poster pointed out is that the Americans liberated Taiwan and not the official ROChinese govt or its communist opposition. Without that treaty it would be damn hard to win Taiwan in a court of law.

Actually, I know someone whos a member of the DPP who totally concurred on this point. Ill ask him to pass it along to Mr Chen and then Ill get back to you after I get a response.(If Im not in jail of course)


Yup go ahead ROC has been squatting for 50 years now. I think most squatter only need to squat for 10 years to get right to abode.

I’m sure the DPP would love to displace themselves out of power. So you relinquish sovereignty to the USA. What is to prevent the PRC from petitioning control of Taiwan from the USA at that point.

USA recognizes PRC. USA doesn’t even have an embassy in Taiwan.

Even in this hypothetical ROC Taiwan still gets unified with the PRC.

Why don


You still haven`t shown the readers how China legally owns Taiwan.

Republic Of China has sovereignty over Taiwan.

If you wish to live in denial about it, like Xinjiang independence, I have no other comments.

Other posters have offered proof and you haven`t. Case closed, you lose.

I’ll remember my loss when I look at my ROC passport. Or review the ROC deeds to various property on Taiwan I have.

Has the PRC agreed to former KMT Chairman Lien’s proposition that the united country (Taiwan and mainland) should be called REPUBLIC OF CHINA?

Who gives a shit? Lien’s out of the picture in all but his “honorary” KMT chairman title.