China's genocide of Uighurs and news suppression

What amazes me is that the GOP cares more about a minority group on the other side of the planet than it’s own citizens and potential VOTERS

What amazes me is that you need to make this about the GOP when the CCP is the one committing ethnic cleansing not seem since the holocaust.

I’m not. I’m pointing out that the GOP is speaking out against it, which is nice. But cute, since they don’t care about anything but white ethnicity in the USA.

Why not? The CCP enjoys overwhelming support. People support what the CCP is doing to the Uighurs right now. It wasn’t something the CCP just thought up. The Chinese people, mostly ethnic hans, have hated the Uighurs for a long time and want this.

The GOP doesn’t care about ethnicity all that much. It’s a mistake to think they only care about whites.

They’re got me fooled. ~A would-be white suburban woman but I live in Taiwan now

It’s easy to care about a minority group being suppressed by an evil regime on the other side of the world. Takes the “personal” aspect out of the whole thing.

No need to think about why the protests are happening in the US.

In China, the government says Uighurs are terrorists and everyone eats that up and you think they are bad people for it. As inexcusably bad as the CCP itself, you say. In the US, the president says that Antifa and BLM are terrorists behind everything from protests to wildfires and MAGAs eat they shit up. Even when the FBI comes out and says that neither Antifa nor BLM are a threat. MAGAs believe “‘They’ are coming for our guns” and “making America unsafe” and laws are being passed in FL that make it legal to run over protesters cuz why not. If you can’t see the irony, just remember that every great dictatorship was a gradual rise to power. Also, remember that Xi was “elected by the people” too.

This is a complete and utter lie. I’m sorry you believe this.

This is not the first time I’m being told something I didn’t know about the GOP. Remember that actions speak louder than words. From their actions, I would say my statement is def not a lie…

When I was in China (35 years ago) the attitude towards Uighurs by the Han Chinese man-in-the-street is that they were dangerous unemployed gang members engaged in criminal activities (illegal money-changing, robbery etc). The “liberal” attitude was extra money should go to minorities for education etc., the “conservative” attitude was that they deserved a swift, hard boot.

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Because they are heavily brainwashed and don’t really have a choice.

I like chinese people and the country, i would still like to be able to travel there although its not a safe option anymore even without covid.

Yes the brainwashing is pretty deep i am aware of that, i think it would be difficult to be in a relationship with a chinese person while they are fully in support of taking over HK and what’s going on in xinjiang ect. The difference in values is a problem on a deeper level but again, they don’t have much say in that.

I’m not so sure it was simply just brainwashing. I don’t doubt that’s part of it, but a lot of the sentiment the CCP rallies on were already there from the people. The feeling of humiliation stems back from the Qing dynasty and the idea of completing the Chinese empire is as old as the idea of China itself.

The Nazis didn’t start anti Semiticism or the feeling of being humiliated from the treaty of versailles.


Well at the end of the day people in china care about their family circle more than their government. The CCP is what is putting nationalism before everything else, and i think it would go away if the CCP goes away or just changes its policies. And yea han superiority is a thing, also a thing in taiwan.

That would be what I hope for. But I’m not entirely convinced they wouldn’t just vote in another CCP like government if that happens.

It’s mostly simple racism/ethnocentrism. Put Uighurs in re-education camps to make them more like Chinese? Hell, yes, says your average Chinese Archie Bunker.

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I’m glad this story is coming out. It is tragically ironic that the Black community is getting their highly valued hair extensions from what can only honestly be described as slaves.


I was just watching a video about that. It’s really sad.

It’s a bigger problem than this, pretty much all common textile goods (fast fashion) are made under semi slave/servant conditions . Consumers just don’t want to know the reality. Uighur forced labour is at the extreme end of course.


It appears they also cut their hairs off and probably forced them to produce the hair extension products from their own people’s hair. :cry: The women said it’s unclear what they did with the hair they cut off, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume that’s what happened.

That’s extra fucked up.

Why bring your own racial politics into a human right atrocity that affects everyone? If you own any cotton t-shirt, towels, bed sheets, chances are you are using products made by materials produced by forced Uighur labor.