Chinese input IME trouble

Is there an easier way to switch from Chinese to English input? It’s a pain to do in Windows 10 because I have to press “window key + space” to switch. But when it does it sometimes outputs English characters even though I thought I have switched to Chinese. Worst thing is I’m unable to use the top number bar because they are used by the IME. At least android has the option of putting number on top so I do not have to switch to English to type numbers.

There is also a lag between switching inputs. It has made things hard as I need to switch to EN to type numbers or enter a url, and have to switch to CH to type in Chinese.

I thought everyone just does the Windows key plus space thing.

I’m not even sure what could possibly be used as an easier way, given that the Windows key plus space is only two keys - it seems to be about the minimum amount of work that could possibly be used to accomplish the task…

  1. Alt + Shift
  2. In Chinese keyboard: use Shift (though this one is a bit finicky)
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I’m guessing this one is your PC’s problem, you need to upgrade.


That’s what I use too.
Or you can change the hotkeys in the keyboard configurations:

actually how do I disable the English keyboard within the Chinese IME?

I hate to switch to Chinese and then take 5 minutes to type something only to find out that it’s in english characters.

For some reason Windows like to default to english keyboard even when I switch to Chinese.如何關閉左shift/3f4f72d9-fe32-4aec-8b0e-f9605fec428e

I don’t use Windows, never used Windows 10. But since this is from Microsoft, I think it should do the trick.

That just turns off shift to switch.

It does not disable the english function in the Chinese IME. Meaning if I switch over and it’s somehow that, then I am screwed.