Chinese input method for teenager

If you’re talking about 切音 I guess you’re right. They were copying foreign spelling system in the attempt to make chinese more “advanced.”

It’s different from the traditional (ancient perhaps?) 反切 system.
Anyways I was just trying to explain how typing with 注音 could be quite counter intuitive because you don’t consider its 注音 when you write in chinese. So there’s the extra brain work to translate it into 注音. At least that’s how I feel.

If 注音 hadn’t been invented then we’ll probably be using 倉頡 or 無蝦米 right now.
But since we already leaned 注音, I don’t think you really need to learn a new input system.

Yes, kid is going back to school in Aug, and it wouldn’t make sense to burden her with 2 input systems at this point. I should go and see what systems are available to the school’s students, before I elect for 無蝦米 or 倉頡.

Mr. Wade and Mr. Giles, among others, may disagree with your conclusion that what they did wasn’t a spelling system for Mandarin.

Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear.
There’s an input system based on 注音, usually called 注音 or 新注音, depends on the OS.
Your kid could just use that.

They might, they might not. I’m not writing a paper here. That’s just how I feel.

No, you did. It was me who wasn’t clear. I meant that we’ll keep the 注音 option open for the moment, along with 無蝦米 & 倉頡.

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Yeah, we get a lot of “how people feel” devoid of facts around here in the US. Like every night when Trump does a “task force update”.

However, I prefer to stick with facts. Just because you don’t agree with or like Romanization doesn’t mean it wasn’t in place and functioning a long time before what you’re talking about. There’s a difference between having to provide citations and having to stick to what actually happened.

Alright so maybe “spelling” isn’t the word for it.
Phonetic system it is.
If that’s what you’re having problem is.

I was just making a point about why I think
Input systems like 倉頡 should be more intuitive if it weren’t for注音 at the beginning.
Because when we read and write in mandarin we do not link any of the characters to 注音. And 倉頡 input is based on how Chinese characters are written, not how they’re pronounced.
You need to choose the right characters after you type 注音, because there’s a lot of words sharing the same pronunciation.
But you don’t need to do that with an input system like 倉頡. There are other systems based on the same logic. I use 注音 so I can’t name them all. But if anyone’s interested in this you could go look it up.

But since we all learned 注音 in grade schools , it’s just easier if we type that way, so we don’t need to learn how to 拆字.

Resurrecting this thread to talk about 行列10.

行列 (Array IME) assigns key strokes to the number keys. There is a version of it for the keyboard (行列30), but there is also a version that just uses the number keys, which is pretty amazing on phones.

基本筆形 數字 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
筆形 八\ 丿

The IME is available by default on all Windows machines

Resurrecting this thread yet again for an amazing website for regular Array 30 (for QWERTY keyboard)