Chinese Language-related BBS

Hi all,

We are pre-launching a BBS community for people interested in Chinese language (teachers, students, translators, people who use Chinese in their jobs, etc. etc.) and, like all newly-launched boards, it’s REALLY quiet. :cry:

So, if you have a few spare moments, please point your browser to:

and follow the ugly, off-center link to the “JustChinese” BBS. Register if you want, take it for a test-drive, post something for heaven’s sake.

This is not intended to substitute for the Chinese forum here at; rather, this one will be Chinese-language only, and we plan to invite people from “all 3” Chinas (PRC, HK, TW) as well as foreigners involved in Chinese.

And a big thanks to Gus for helping out with getting the Chinese characters to display!! :smiley:

Hey Terry,

I posted a message under the “testing” section, can you read it OK?

Also, there are some faulty links at, then it works.
