Chinese Taipei vs Nepal / Jordan (Football match)


I am a foreigner and I came across the following football matches in the Taipei stadium:

Chinese Taipei - Nepal (09-05)
Chinese Taipei - Jordan (09-10)

Are these football matches any fun, do a lot of people come, and most importantly, where can I buy the tickets (+ price).

Thanks in advance!
Greetings, Rutger

Are they any fun? Yes, but don’t expect a high quality of footy or Taiwan to win. Do a lot of people come? Not really, but there is a group of Taiwan ‘ultras’ (for want of a better word) who are passionate and make some noise. As for buying tickets, I usually just walk in without paying. You can even bring cans of beer, and the stewards will pour them into paper cups as you enter … Enjoy!

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And I just checked the dates, Thurs and Tues. What a load of bolloxs! They could have at least tried to arrange a game on the weekend. No wonder no one follows football in this country!

Let us know if you discovered how to buy the ticket. I am really curious to see it as well

Thanks @gregski. @arthurmiro, I will try to just buy a ticket (or walk in) at the ticket office at game day, like Gregski said. I do not have any alternative yet.

Buy ticket here.
For home team supporters, please purchase “Home Team Tickets”.
For away team supporters, please purchase “Away Team Tickets”.


  1. 安檢口:本場比賽共計開設主場兩個安檢出入口及客場一個安檢出入口。
  2. 任何具政治(理念)、宗教、種族、歧視等意涵的旗幟、海報、宣傳物品禁止進入會場。
  3. 寶特瓶、鐵鋁罐、玻璃瓶、鋁箔包等密封包裝飲料;毒品、注射器;打火機、雨傘、旗桿、危險刀械、火藥爆裂物、寵物、70-200mm以上之長鏡頭或經現場安檢人員認定為具有攻擊性的物品禁止攜帶入場。
  4. 任何經安檢人員沒收或自行暫存放於安檢口的物品,本會將不負任何保管之責。
  5. 任何人在觀眾席或場館任一區域經維安人員認定有影響、干擾或企圖影響、干擾其他人觀賞球賽之權益時,大會將派請維安人員制止該行為,該行為嚴重時得以驅離出球場。
  6. 違反安全須知者,安管將驅逐出場,概不退票。

Collect the ticket in Family Mart machine.

  1. 取票方式為【FamiPort取票】 ,取票時每筆將酌收$30手續費 ,於全台全家便利商店付款時以現金方式支付。
  2. FamiPort取票流程說明:
  3. 付款完成之訂單,逾期未取票者視同售出,恕不接受退票或退費。
  4. 現場票務服務處恕無法提供取票服務,請於開演前自行至全台全家便利商店完成取票。

This way cost 300+30

Otherwise, directly buying on D Day, cost 400.

The dates are set by FIFA as International match days. Not by CTFA or AFC.

You can buy tickets on the day, always. It’s never full, and often pathetically empty.

Surely, you didn’t see the game vs Thailand or Vietnam in 2015?

But, you are right this time, no significant Jordanian nor Nepali in Taiwan, so it will be mostly empty.