Chocolate in Trouble

His wife gave Apple Daily the slip of paper showing the result of his hospital test, and they included a picture of it as part of their front-page spread on the story. It’s hard to imagine anything more embarrassing than having a document like that reproduced on the front page of a mass circulation national newspaper! That wife of his certainly knew how to strike to get her revenge! I doubt he’ll be contracting any more marriages after this one is dissolved.

On the positive side this is Taiwan. His career may be over on this rock but he seems like the type that can make it anywhere. I never did understand why someone with his talents would choose Taiwan.

I don’t know anything about this guy Chocolate other than he used to work for ICRT. How come he left ICRT anyway? Does anyone know anything more about him, his background, and what he’s been doing since ICRT?

I saw he used to run a company The Chocolate Factory. What was that and why did it close?
What are his alleged talents anyway, other than being a friendly person? (So many questions!)

================= Apple Daily says: his name is Charles Mack III, the third. From Chicago. 40 years old. Wife is stella. manager is angel. studied film at NYU Film School, write three books in taiwan in Chinese about self help psychology and diet books, bestsellers apparently, on many TV travel shows and cooking shows (any bloke on a cooking show is gay usually, the paper says), appeared on several cooking shows on CTI-TV with Jeff Locker, has had love hate relationship with taiwan for 10 years, often leaves and swears will never come back, tried to get film degree as director at NYU, wants to make movies, gay, lefthanded, ICRT DJ, dance instructor at the Chocolate Factory which which his wife set up for him as dance studio where he could seduce young men. Well, that’s what the APPLE says today.

He was fired.

I wonder if he really has a chance of walking away from the marriage with NT$100 million of his wife’s reputed billion-dollar fortune, as the papers are reporting. If so, I wouldn’t have thought he’d mind too much about the rest of this stuff.

I thought Chocolate was the most entertaining DJ ICRT has had in my time here. Some will say that’s not saying much and I would agree, but he at least played MODERN music and had real interlocter conversations with his guests.

The media have hit the jackpot. Gay, black, homosexual, foreigner, STD, rape… What more could they have asked for ? If only he was a mainland spouse and had murdered someone it would be a news story made in heaven. Could they squeeze a drugs angle into it too ?

Let him that is without sin, etc.

Not to mention adultery, wealth, celebrity, betrayal and revenge… Quite a cocktail! (Or should that be “tale”?)

Chocolate is this year’s Paraguayan diplomat.

[color=violet]How dare you! :x
Haven’t you ever heard of the Kinsey scale?
And since you DON’T care about such issues, then why bother posting about them? Your time is valuable.[/color]

I was talking to a Taiwanese lady, she had lived in SF for 10 years, who lets me park my bike in front of her shop and she told me the lady in question is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I feel sorry for Chocolate if the accusations are false. If we were back in the real world none of this would have made the newspapers because libel and slander laws are enforced there. Sadly in the R.O.C. they are not.

I refer the honorable lady to the URL on the Kinsey Scale posted above a moment ago.

I refer the honorable lady to the URL on the Kinsey Scale posted above a moment ago.[/quote]

I know the scale, he just strikes me as a 6. I just think this marriage thing is huxiang liyong.

I am sure he will land on his feet. He’s done the disappearing act many times.

those stories usually die down without anything happening whatsoever. He hasn’t raped anyone, well, the std might be a problem, but as far as I know people don’t get deported for being gays. Moreover, it seems that vaginal penetration is needed for an infidelity case, so the bloke is in the clear, i imagine.

When to storm blows over and he can sue his wife for a fair bit of money, then his life might even be bearable.

There is one other detail that seems a little strange about this incident. It has to do with his estranged wife having the test results for his STD diagnosis.
I don

I have ben treated more than once for something no doctor told me what was.

It’s common in rural areas, but if you go to a big city hospital, they will always tell you - and they have it in their internal records, all doctors keep those. (Or should at least)

for the last time people…chocolate is not bisexual…he’s as gay as the nite is long…i would guess he consummated the marriage with the help of some little blue pills…as I would have too cos his wife is, to put it bluntly,a pig. she also has to be pretty damn stupid to not have known the man was gay…

But if Chocolate claims to be bisexual when he is in fact gay, does that really matter?

The answer is no, it does not.

[quote=“lane119”]================= Apple Daily says: his name is Charles Mack III, the third. From Chicago. 40 years old. Wife is stella. manager is angel. studied film at NYU Film School, write three books in Taiwan in Chinese about self help psychology and diet books, bestsellers apparently, on many TV travel shows and cooking shows (any bloke on a cooking show is gay usually, the paper says), appeared on several cooking shows on CTI-TV with Jeff Locker, has had love hate relationship with Taiwan for 10 years, often leaves and swears will never come back, tried to get film degree as director at NYU, wants to make movies, gay, lefthanded, ICRT DJ, dance instructor at the Chocolate Factory which which his wife set up for him as dance studio where he could seduce young men. Well, that’s what the APPLE says today.[/quote]Some very good reasons in there for not taking anything the Apple Daily says seriously. Even the TT is better source of news than that.