Chou yi charged with treason … refer=asia


Does it carry the death penalty?

All I can say is: About damn time!!! :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In case anyone reading this thread didn’t see it on the news the man in question was standing in the back of a van as it repeatedly rammed the barricade.

Funny way to calm a crowd.:slight_smile:

I was so pleased when I heard the news this morning.

Certainly he should be prosecuted, as I strongly advocated earlier, for his behaviour in the election night riots, his subsequent calls for insurrection (calling on the mob to storm the Presidential Office, among other things), and his ringleading role in the attack on the Central Election Commission. These are all actions that would land him in jail in any country where the rule of law prevails.

Let us hope that Taiwan’s judicial system will be able to demonstrate its strength, impartiality, and worthiness of international respect by achieving the same result.

I don’t think he’s been charged with treason.

According to the China Times, he’s been charged with assault, interference with official duty and violation of the Assemblies and Protests Act (傷害、妨害公務、違反集會遊行法) [my inexact translation].

[quote=“SCL”]I don’t think he’s been charged with treason.

According to the China Times, he’s been charged with assault, interference with official duty and violation of the Assemblies and Protests Act (???) [my inexact translation].[/quote]

Sounds reasonable considering his actions at the Kaohsung Prosecutor’s Office on 320, and at the CEC. With all the media evidence of his actions, I really find it difficult to see how a judge could end up NOT convicting him.