Fascinating article at Taiwan Ho about the Chuildren of God cult in Taiwan:
taiwanho.com/modules.php?op= … =0&thold=0
Fascinating article at Taiwan Ho about the Chuildren of God cult in Taiwan:
taiwanho.com/modules.php?op= … =0&thold=0
It’s a very good article, from the 1970s. This cult does not exist today. And certainly NOT in Taiwan. I think the author did exaggerate and that this Leif guy does not exist. This is pure fantasy.
When I lived in Taipei, I never ever heard of this cult, nor ever saw any articles in the local Chinese language papers either, even NEXT or APPLE DAILY. So I think this author is trolling with readers. Why? U dunno.
Formosa: Next or Apple daily has never done an article about you to my knowledge. And I think there is a aboriginal guy living up a mountain in Nantou who has never heard of you. That doesn’t mean you don’t exist
good point. maybe I don’t exist, in that case. but good point, also!
what i was really trying to get at is this: is this cult really a big presence there? What about that other cult called THE FAMILY. also from USA or Brazil. I think they are there too.
And maybe the biggest cult there in Taiwan is the Scientology cult led by Tom Cruise et all; they use a different name there in Taiwan in a CHinese euphemism, but behind it all, they are scientolgists and they recruit pretty hard, I have heard. They often stand outside post offices and take blood pressure tests for free, and then hook the lonely people that way. I once saw it happen. Anybody ever come into contact with the S people? Weird.
So sorry, maybe Leif is correct, and I stand corrected now. I always enjoy standing corrected. i think half my life spent standing and sometimes sitting (and often sleeping) corrected.
The article was good. I just wonder if it was verifiable? Some writers like to puff things up for some reason.
Prob the biggest Xian cult there in Formosa is the Mormoni thing, but it has almost become mainstream now.
By the way, how many people now have me on their IGNORE list? I would guess half the punters here are not reading me anymore. My fault, alas.
I doubt Fred the Last Frontier guy was in a cult. The writer is barking up a very wrong tree. Pure conspiracy stuff. Even reads that way. Fred died from a fall or a blow to the head. No cults involved.
[quote]It’s a very good article, from the 1970s. This cult does not exist today. And certainly NOT in Taiwan. I think the author did exaggerate and that this Leif guy does not exist. This is pure fantasy.
When I lived in Taipei, I never ever heard of this cult, nor ever saw any articles in the local Chinese language papers either, even NEXT or APPLE DAILY. So I think this author is trolling with readers. Why? U dunno.[/quote]
Formosa, you’re full of shit.
This cult still exists. They’re usually known as The Family now, but have many other pseudonyms, including at least three in Taiwan.
But if you want proof that they’re still in Taiwan, just link from that article to their home page.
Anyway, your word against someone I’ve never met before, no nothing about, and may not even exist. I’ll take the latter anytime.
Brian, in a fit of anger, mostly legit, wrote: "Anyway, [formosa, full of shit for brains etc,] your word against someone I’ve never met before, no nothing about, and may not even exist. I’ll take the latter anytime. "
Now I know I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. And added to that, I am having a bad hair day. Now Brian tells me to screw off.
Okay, am screwing off. I see your point, and quite agree with it. I would never take my word myself either.
I have heard of these guys having compounds where they keep everyone locked in. They work you and any attempt to leave is seen as a cry for help and they won’t let you go.
I think they still operate in Sthn Taiwan from what I hear from locals.
And yes, they are supposed to be really big on using ABC’s to get people in.
Yep, there is some sort of cult down here in Southern Taiwan. I have met a couple of the kids(teenagers or 20ish) who have managed to escape.
this is getting interesting now. wow. maybe those are the people i had met in the summer earlier, they had a small garden in Keelung, and kept telling me it was private land, and they handed out DM flyers at a bookstore there, and when I asked them a few questions, they seemed mind controlled robots. Maybe that is what you guys are talking about. scary!
i take everything back. this is for real!
sometimes i saw an ad in the POSt that read looking for teachers and it said the email was something like xxxx @thefamily.com.tw
was this the same group maybe?
still, i don’t believe they got Fred this way. Fred went his own way, and then he got A. lost or B. killed.
he was way too smart to go into mind control groups. he didn’t need that stuff.
now me, i would love to become mind controlled for a spell. how does one apply?
speaking of cults and scientology read below: they are in Taiwan too. anybody ever SEE them?
Is Tom Cruise taking advantage of NYC FIRE chief Denis Leary to boost the Church of Scientology? Not so, says Leary.
Denis Leary is denying allegations that he’s being used by Tom Cruise to spread the word of the controversial Church of Scientology.
Leary raised US$700,000 for firefighters this past week at his third annual Bash for New York’s Bravest, attended by Robin Williams, Sen. John Kerry and John McEnroe, among others.
Cruise wasn’t at the fund-raiser, but Leary has said that the actor has been “working behind the scenes for a year” to help firefighters with respiratory problems.
Leary said recently that Cruise wants to build the smoke-eaters “a steam and sauna place on Long Island … [to help] their condition” - which, he said, Cruise is funding privately.
“I think Denis Leary is well-meaning,” says Rick Ross, executive director of the New Jersey-based Ross Institute, which monitors what it sees as cults. “But he’s savvy enough about the Hollywood scene to know that if Tom Cruise does charity work, it’s almost always related to Scientology.”
Ross suspects that Cruise’s “steam and sauna place” is based upon what Scientologists call the “purification rundown,” a ritual based on the teachings of science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard.
Ross says the same rundown is touted by Downtown Medical, a controversial Manhattan clinic whose staff includes some Scientologists. The clinic has offered more than 140 New York firefighters a detoxification program consisting of exercise, saunas and vitamin therapy.
FDNY officials are worried by the clinic’s requirement that firefighters abandon their inhalers and medication. FDNY Deputy Commissioner Francis X. Gribbon told us that Downtown Medical “is not a bona-fide detox program. It should not be a substitute for the medical treatment that our doctors have advised. We don’t endorse it.”
Leary told us: “The program has no religious aspect to it. It’s all about getting sick firefighters well again. We just sponsored six firefighters who had breathing problems and are now better. There was no Scientology pamphlet or brochures.”
“I’m sure the clinic doesn’t overtly proselytize to the firemen,” said Ross. “But they use them as sympathetic, heroic figures who can garner public support and federal and state funding. The firemen may be getting the treatment free. The public won’t.” (A staffer at Downtown Clinic said a 21-day purification treatment runs $5,200.)
A church official recently told the New York Times that many Scientologists had donated to the clinic, but “as far as it being part of the church, it isn’t.”
Bassman, Durin’s Bane… I can’t tell from your posts which group you meant to refer to. COG? Scientology? What?
And about the original question–could you be more specific? If you tell me what you mean by “cult,” I can begin to give you some sort of list.
[quote=“Screaming Jesus”]Bassman, Durin’s Bane… I can’t tell from your posts which group you meant to refer to. COG? Scientology? What?
And about the original question–could you be more specific? If you tell me what you mean by “cult,” I can begin to give you some sort of list.[/quote]
If I remember correctly, the name was “The Family”.
[quote]If I remember correctly, the name was “The Family”.
The Family, is what used to be known as The Children of God.
Read the story in my original post and follow the link to their website. They ARE active in Taiwan. No need for speculation. Their very own website has a page for Taiwan, which details the things they’ve been doing (the ones fit for public consumption anyway). If you think “singing for children at hospitals - that sounds nice” read the TaiwanHo interview again and if you don’t believe it click on the link for the site for people who have got out of The Family - it’s a classic ‘textbook’ example offo a cult at its worst.
take it all back. sorry. wow, that is some scary website.
i wonder if the local papers are aware of the THE FAMILY is using the Rotary club and the Liberian trade office and other things, even the unwitting TAIPEI TIMES to boost their PR appeal worlwide. WOW.
i take it all back. these guys are muy dangeroso and are active in taiwan. i was so wrong.
thanks for the heads up, Brian and Atonion Gracciao the writer. this is real scary.
so, do reporters like Deby Wu and others at Post etc, know the FAMILY is using them as a front for the religious PR? Just like World VISION does with McDonald’s now, and those KING CAR teachers UNQUOTE who come to Taiwan to win kids for Jesus.
When will taiwan wake up to the chaos in its mist?
Formosa the Unwise, eating crow, wow…
NOTE: Now i am quite sure they have Fred in their loving arms. they are active in Hualien. but would Fred let his mother suffer so much? all for a good fuck with Heather in THE FAMILY? mebbe.
Does anyone know of a nice cult operating in Taiwan that accepts part-time membership (weekends or occasional weekdays only), requires only modest donations, attracts a lot of nubile female followers, and, most importantly, engages in rituals that involve everyone getting naked and huggy to express veneration for whatever creator or creators it worships? If so, please be so good as to pass on their contact details to me. That’s the kind of cult I could really get into!
Omni, read the quote at the bottom of my posts. Sound good to you? It’s from the Unification Church (okay, the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity), better known as the Moonies. If you join, they’ll get you a wife you can have sex with oh, three times a month. (Twice with her on top, once with you on top–representing the ascension of Adam.)
I’m still wondering where to begin with a list of “cults” (or is it Christian cults?) here in Taiwan. There are lots of smallish churches around here that have independent sources of revelation. How do I know if you want them on the list? If they seem weird enough?
Hmm, I wonder how many foreigners will pop by the Family this weekend expecting to be flirtily fished…?
um if i may shed some light here…believe it or not i live three doors down from the family in a villa compound outside tamsui…try as we might we havent been able to get any dirt on these people…they are good neighbours and friendly to us without being preachy…they seem to mix their kids up so they all live as one family so to speak. there may be a more sinister side but i’ve yet to see it…and they aren’t exactly locked in compounds…there were a bunch in the brass monkey on sunday and i’ve also bumped into them in the vibe…the story about leif is certainly scary however and suggests there is some weird shit going on in there so i’ll keep my eyes peeled for y’all…however that is a very onesided article since the reporter has just taken leif’s word for everything…not actually good journalism IMHO
Only three times a month? Then that’s not much better than becoming a monk or a Catholic priest!
Actually, I heard from my Old Boys’ Association that one of my classmates at grammar school, a tall, skinny, socially awkward red-haired boy, joined the Moonies, was fixed up with a Japanese wife, has produced four kiddies with her (at the last count), and is now working as a missionary in Africa. I’d be fascinated to meet up with him again and find out what they’ve turned him into.
Does this go for single people too? And does it also include tennis socks? If so, this means I was a moonie throughout my adolescence and I didn’t even know it!
The key words are INDIVIDUALLY LABELLED, Sandman. I bet you got the left mixed up with the right, didn’t you? (Now what if Jesus went and did that at the Last Judgment? Ever think about that?)
Perhaps I should mention that the act of love is to be performed before a portrait of the Divine Parents (Mr. and Mrs. Moone).You can do the nasty in church, or in your earthly parents’ house (assuming that they accept the Divine Principle).
Or, have you considered starting your own cult? You could save on membership fees, AND get first pick of the nubile maidens.
See! See my righteousness! Witness the crispiness of my holy hankie! Smell! Smell thee the ripe odour of my devotion!